Monday, May 31, 2010

Fave Fics: Author: bluesuzanne

Title: Love Pull Your Sore Ribs In -
Author: bluesuzanne
Artist: alizarin_skies
Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight Saga.
Book: New Moon
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12,648
Warnings: None
Summary: When, in the depths of despair and confusion, Bella suggests to Jacob that they run away, just the two of them, he says he can’t, right? Wrong. In this story, he manages, just barely, to flout the injunction, and the two of them set off, right then and there, in the middle of the night, for parts unknown.

A / B

Title - Reason and Love
Rating - G
Pairing - Jacob/Bella
Prompt - To say the truth, reason and love keep little company together (Midsummer Night's Dream act 3 sc 1)

Title - Quietly
Rating - G
Prompt - Speak low if you speak love. (Much Ado About Nothing act 3 sc I)

Title - Prey
Rating - PG
Pairing - Jacob/Bella
Prompt - I will kill thee, a hundred and fifty ways. (As You like it, act 5, sc 1)

Title - The Line
Rating - PG-13
Summary - Set at the end of Eclipse, ignores Breaking Dawn.
Pairings - Jacob/Bella
Spoilers - Twilight - Eclipse.
I am afeared that being in the night
All this is but a dream
Too flattering sweet to be substantial

from Romeo and Juliet

Title: How Does He Feel?

Prompt: Lyrics
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob/Bella
Warnings: Angst

Title: Not-Quite-Beginning
Prompt: Lyrics
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob/Bella
Warnings: None.

Title - Ready
Pairing - Jacob/Bella
Rating - PG
Word count - 367
Prompt - Meet me on your best behavior, meet me at your worst

Title: The Honeymoon
Prompt: Soft
Pen name: bluesuzanne
Pairing: Jacob/Bella
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 860

Title: No Monsters And No Magic
Author: bluesuzanne
Pairing: Jacob/Bella
Rating: R
Word Count: 4851/13,195
Summary: The Cullens never came back to Forks, but Bella Swan did.

I / II

Other awesome works.

Fave Fic: Author Audreyii_fic

Title: Postcards

Author: audreyii_fic

Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)

Rating: M for Mature

Characters: Jacob/Bella, Charlie

Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

: She wonders how she forgot that he's just sixteen. Sixteen and somehow overnight the whole weight of the world dropped on his broad shoulders, and it's not fair and she has to get him out of here. So she will.

A / B/ C / D

Title: The Sad Girl and the Angry Girl
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: R
Characters: Leah, Bella, Jacob (J/B)
Genre: Humor, Angst, and a smidge of Romance
Warnings: Extremely foul language and a somewhat sensitive topic.

Title: Advice
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: R (language)
Characters: Jacob/Bella
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: The bikes are nearly done. Bella is sad and Jacob tries to help. Hallucinations abound. A mid-New Moon Garage Fic. As per usual, I make no claims to originality.

Title: The Definition of Want
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: M
Characters: Bella, Jacob, Edward, and others (J/B)
Genre: Romance/Humor/Angst -- you know, all the good ones.
Warnings: Bad language and eventual sex.
Summary: You know how Edward offered to let Bella and Jacob make puppies? And we all secretly wondered how that would go? Yeah. It's one of those. Set post-Eclipse.

Fave Fic: Author: quamquam20

Title: Love Like Salt
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Suggestive themes, intense fluff, mild language, and some sexuality.
Summary: A study session goes awesomely awry. (Let's pretend that New Moon was happy~ Bella never jumped or Alice kept her mouth shut or something. Sound good?)
Notes: During my internet travels, I stumbled across a story which illustrated, for me, what love is and is not. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Fave Fic: Author: Crapnahalficons

A Fic Mix: Great Escape

A Sequeal to Great Escape

A Fic Mix: TASTE

I / II

Title: 5 Times Bella Swan Almost Drowned (and one time she didn't)
Character(s): Bella, some Jacob/Bella
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bella Swan is eighteen years old, and she is not afraid to die...
Notes: This was one of those random little stories that just kinda came to me at work, and got written in one sitting. I've taken some personal liberties with Bella and Renee's history ;)

Title: Silence
Chapter: 1/3
Character(s): Jake/Bella
Rating: M (for later chapters)
Summary: And again there were the hands. Jacob's too warm hands and they wrenched her from that blackness. Jacob's hands as they frantically beat the air back into her body. Jacob's hands and he held her on the beach, wet and freezing and covered in sand. Jacob's hands…holding her together.

I / II / III

Title: Bark At The Moon
Character(s): Jake/Bella, Quil, Embry
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boys refused to tell her much, only that they’d pick up at 8pm, and that she should dress in warm, and preferably flame retardant, clothing. And seeing as how her NASCAR jumpsuit was back in Phoenix, she hoped they were only kidding about that last part...

Title: Her Cup Doth Overflow

Character(s): Jacob/Bella
Prompt:"It is the curse in love and still approv'd when women cannot love where they're beloved."
Two Gentleman of Verona
Act 5, sc 4

Here's the rest of her fics! I recommend also her Dreaming of Butterflies. It's a WIP.

Fave Fics: Author Majeta Moniet

Title: Thunder Cake

Author: Majesta Moniet
Rating: T (underage drinking)
Warnings: This story was cut-out by Matisse, reconstructed by Picasso, and wept over by Majesta Moniet. That being said, don't expect a work of art. Collaborations are always messy. (And they ate all of the cake.)
Summary: But the memory of a too-tall cliff, an ethereal boy’s voice, and an insistent pounding between her shoulder blades is proof that hearts don’t really break; sometimes you just leave them somewhere you shouldn’t.

Fave Fics: Author: Sam

Title: Want the Love On Your Wrist
Author: Sam
Pairing/Character: Jacob/Bella
Word Count: 3,068
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU. It was never like this when he was a kid. Oneshot.
Spoilers/Warnings: New Moon / Sex

I want the love on your wrist,
Oh, give me the heart on your neck.
And it would be fine,
To spend my whole life,
With you, together.
Parlez vous, or something like that.
Le velo pour deux or something like that,
And that's what I'll say to get you to ride away with me.

- The Brobecks, "Le Velo Pour Deux"

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fav Fics: Author: Ophelietta

Title: The Fisher King
Author : ophelietta
Characters/Pairings : Billy, Jacob/Bella.
Summary : NM/Eclipse-ish. The hardest part of being a parent is realising when you can't do a damn thing at all.

Title : House of the Sun
Author : ophelietta
Fandom : Twilight
Characters/Pairings : Rachel Black, J/B
Summary : Jacob teaches his sister a thing or two about forgiveness.
Notes : post-Eclipse. (Lame) title has nothing to do with the song, but is actually the name of Mount Haleakala in Hawaii. In one sense, this is also vaguely Great Gatsby-esque - ILU, FSG!

Title : Howl
Author : ophelietta
Fandom : Twilight
Characters/Pairings : Edward, Jacob/Bella.
Summary : A series of fragments. There are many things that Edward wishes he just didn't know.
Notes : Set during Eclipse. 2nd person POV mostly due to SMeyer's "Being Jacob Black", which partly inspired this.