Monday, May 31, 2010

Fave Fic: Author Audreyii_fic

Title: Postcards

Author: audreyii_fic

Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)

Rating: M for Mature

Characters: Jacob/Bella, Charlie

Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

: She wonders how she forgot that he's just sixteen. Sixteen and somehow overnight the whole weight of the world dropped on his broad shoulders, and it's not fair and she has to get him out of here. So she will.

A / B/ C / D

Title: The Sad Girl and the Angry Girl
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: R
Characters: Leah, Bella, Jacob (J/B)
Genre: Humor, Angst, and a smidge of Romance
Warnings: Extremely foul language and a somewhat sensitive topic.

Title: Advice
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: R (language)
Characters: Jacob/Bella
Genre: Romance/Humor
Summary: The bikes are nearly done. Bella is sad and Jacob tries to help. Hallucinations abound. A mid-New Moon Garage Fic. As per usual, I make no claims to originality.

Title: The Definition of Want
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: M
Characters: Bella, Jacob, Edward, and others (J/B)
Genre: Romance/Humor/Angst -- you know, all the good ones.
Warnings: Bad language and eventual sex.
Summary: You know how Edward offered to let Bella and Jacob make puppies? And we all secretly wondered how that would go? Yeah. It's one of those. Set post-Eclipse.

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