Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fic Fanmix Choices -2The Bird and The Worm

Title: A Twilight Fic Fanmix: Choices-2The Bird and The Worm
Genre: Angst, fluff, romance
Pairing: Jacob/Bella
TimeLine: After Eclipse. BD never happened.
Featured artists from: 3 Doors Down, Owl City, Lisa Hannigan, Paramore, Jason Walker, Copeland, Mark Kozelek and many more.
Disclaimer: If Twilight was mine, BD would never happen and I would be filthy rich.
Author’s Note: Consider this my attempt to dig back into my Jacob/Bella writing style. I seemed to have lost it since I started my original stories.
Haven't got a betaread yet, all mistakes are mine.
Artwork by Majestamoniet

“A one day road-trip?”

He shrugged his wide shoulders. “You’re going to leave soon and you’re not going to be back in awhile. I thought you might want to ride around and say goodbye to the old homestead.”

Bella’s heart tripped inside her chest. She wanted it, she wanted to go. To wander around Forks' roads for the last time. Go down memory lane. With Jacob. Her mouth opened but before she could say anything she caught a movement at the corner of her eye. She turned to see Edward and Alice standing on the porch. 

Her chest tightened as she met Edward’s bright eyes. His voice was calm and as soft as usual. He didn't look annoyed or angry. The smile on his face was actually encouraging. “Don’t worry about us, love. If you want to go, you can go. Jacob has a point.”

Jacob swung his gaze to Bella and quirked an eyebrow. “There, you even have his permission.”

Bella gave him a mock scowl which got a smile from him.

“But, we still have plans to go over. The centerpieces, the table linens, the food, the guest book—“

Jacob made a dismissive noise against Alice’s protests. “Oh, please. I’ve seen the invitation and if Bella had anything to do with that, I’ll eat it.”

Alice stuck up her nose at him. “You sure you haven’t already?” 

Jacob rolled his eyes and saw that Bella was looking at him strangely. “What?”

“You've seen the invitations?” Her voice was tentative, soft.

He watched her with dark eyes, searching for something on her face. A small bitter smile stretched Jacob’s lips. “I wondered if you knew about that. Apparently, you didn't.”

“Who sent you the invitation?”

Edward walked down towards them. “I did, Bella.”

Bella’s looked at Edward and somehow felt...betrayed. Her mouth pressed in a straight line. “You should’ve told me first. You had no right sending it to him and not tell me.”

Edward’s eyes flicked to Jacob who lifted his hands. “Hey, don’t look at me.”

He returned his eyes to Bella, his face earnest but Bella could see the trace of guilt. “If I was him I would want to know. I would want to come to the wedding.”

“Jake isn't you.”

“Hallelujah.” Jake muttered softly. “Look, you can deal with that later. Anyway, are you going to come with me or not? Just one day, Bells. Just you and your best friend. Hanging out around town.”

Bella was annoyed with Edward. Oh, she knew he had his reasons and it might even be the right ones but she was annoyed with him and since she was, the decision she had to make was kind of easy and justified. God knew when she’d ever meet Jacob again, and the next time they’d meet she’d be a vampire and he would hate her. She stole a glance at Jacob and imagined him looking at her differently; with hate and anger rather than affection and love. She didn't know if she could handle that.

“I think…” Bella took a step closer to Jacob but hesitated and looked back to Edward and Alice. 

Jacob sighed. “Let me make this simple. Hey, Psychic Vamp. Do you see her?”

“Of course I do, you annoying lapdog. She’s right there.”

“I meant her future.” Jacob elongated his vowels as though he was talking to a three year old. “Do you see her future?”

Alice didn’t answer, she merely curled her upper lip which was answer enough.

Jacob turned to Bella with a smile. “See? You've already made your decision. Come along, Bells.”

Ten minutes later, after Bella wore three layers of sweaters plus jacket, was lectured about safety, forced to bring a cellphone, packed a bag full of snacks and leftovers herself, she finally got on the back of Jacob’s bike and they were ready for their mini road trip.

“Where do you want to go first?” Jacob asked her.

She put on her helmet, waved at Alice and Edward and grinned at Jacob. “Surprise me.”

He gunned the bike and smirked. “I thought you hate surprises.”

“Yeah, well. I've learn to adapt when they’re your kind of surprises.”

He snorted, waited until her arms wrapped around his waist and then they were off.

Bella sighed into his back, she missed this. Missed the sensation of flying (sure, she could have Edward carry her around but he’d be too fast for her to enjoy it), and it was different, knowing that you’re riding a machine rather than a person. She smiled when Jacob turned right to one of her favorite roads. Old maple trees were planted on both sides of it, the road would be filled with red, golden dry leaves, they floated and twirled and streamed away as the Harley raced across the straight length of it. 

With werewolf speed, Jacob caught one and gave it to her.

She reached for it and pressed her forehead against his back in thanks. It wasn't until she relaxed that she realized that she was so tense. She needed this. Needed to be with Jacob, needed to spend some time outside her house or the Cullen’s house for that matter.

But even as she squealed in dismay when Jacob reached for a stray branch that hung above, making drops of cold rain water fall on their heads, even as she laughed when he shook water from his hair in a not unlike dog demeanor, even as she felt loose and content as they roared through traffic, a heaviness threatened to blanket her limbs at her realization that this and everything else they would be doing was his way of saying goodbye.

you and I left our troubles far behind 

But I still have just one more question on my mind

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