Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Passing Years 36Between the Scenes Part 2

: The Passing Years
Author: Borntobewild13
Rating: M
Pairing: Jacob/Bella
Timeline: After Eclipse. Essentially, this is my version of BD (the book that shall not be mentioned)
Summary: After Eclipse, Jacob came back, got his life together and did pretty good...then he found out that for the last two years, Bella had been living in Port Angeles, that she was still human and unmarried. So, of course, now all bets are off.
Artwork by MajestaMoniet


They were all gathered around Bella’s kitchen.

Jacob didn’t know what he was amused at the most. The different degrees of dubious expressions on Bella’s pack faces as he rattled off his knowledge of Charlie’s kitchen or their slightly disturbed and deepening awe as Caleb poked his head into cabinets and confirmed that what he was saying was true. “Cereal boxes are sorted by the majority of colors on their boxes. Left to right: red, blue, green and mixed.”

“In the next cabinet would be teapots, sorted by their motifs. Left to right: animals, fruit and flowers.”

“On the side drawers closest to the fridge, top to bottom is filled with the usual things: spoons, forks, spatula all gathered together. That’s kind of boring, but she saves those twisty little things that are usually used to close up the bags for cookies or candy or bread. She sorts them out by color into little Ziplocs.”

Brian hooted as Caleb lifted one and waved it around. Mercy snickered.

Those Ziploc was the straw that not only broke the camel’s back, it also killed it.

Lulu took her eyes off Jacob to stare at Bella who had refused to meet everyone's eyes. Instead she turned her redden cheeks away from them and stared at some watermark on her ceiling, she was trying to figure out what shape it was forming. So far, Bella thought it looked like a snail.

Silence blanketed the room as all eyes focused on Bella who gritted her teeth and tried not to let it get to her. Lulu waited a beat before exclaiming, “Bella.”

Lulu said her name like a mother who had found her child doing something really bad. Like, you know, messing up a kitchen.

Jacob tried to swallow his smile. He really did, but he guessed it showed in his voice. “Do you want me to continue?”

She flashed him a dirty look, but he merely took out a mug, poured coffee from a fresh pot—there was always a fresh something in Bella’s kitchen—and met her eyes with a bright smile.

Damien shook his head slowly in disbelief. “This is going to be long, hard battle.”

Murmurs of disappointment and sighs followed his statements from Tina and Misha as they milked the situation for all it was worth. Brian merely ambled off to the cabinets and pull out a big bag of chips. He shared it with Mercy and Caleb as they watched the others, expecting to be entertained.

What?” Bella groused. “So I like to have things in order. And I arranged things in Charlie’s kitchen so of course things would be as I like it.” Her eyes flashed with irritation when her pack kept looking at her. “What?”

Lulu and Damien turned away, each wearing pained expressions as if it hurt to look at her. “Come on, folks. Shows over, let’s clean up the kitchen.” They hustled as Lulu herded them out of the room. “And we had such high hopes, too.”

“What are we going to do with her?” Damien muttered, his voice belying the amusement in his eyes.

“But, we didn't do anything. Why should we help to clean up?” Caleb complained.

“There’s more pie in the kitchen.” Lulu bribed.

“Excellent.” Caleb elbowed his way to the front. “Whoever gets there first gets the biggest piece.”

“What is your stomach made of? A blackhole?” Tina asked half-seriously. “Is this a Quileute thing?”

Mercy’s voice was nearly a murmur as they all thumped down the stairs. “I can eat pie.”

“It is a Quileute thing.” The others agreed simultaneously.

Jacob snickered as Bella turned to him and crossed her arms, her face red and mutinous. She looked like she was expecting an apology but Jacob merely looked at her. In fact, he was looking at her so intensely that Bella narrowed suspicious eyes at him. “Are you trying to think of more ways to embarrass me?”

“Actually, I’m waiting for you to stomp your foot.”

Jacob watched delightedly as her face grew even more bad tempered. Bella in a temper excited him. Anger looked gorgeous on her. 

“Fine. You won our bet. What do you want?”

He sipped his coffee, hiding his smile at the thought of all the things that he wanted from her…or do to her. “I don’t know, yet.”

Bella’s shoulders relaxed and she could feel a hint of a smile appeared on her lips as she looked at him. He had looked so comfortable and at ease in her kitchen and among her friends. She liked seeing him joking around with her friends—her pack. She was irked that he went after her with his stories and weird bets but that was just Jacob being Jacob. 

Their eyes met and his lips curved into a slow, sly smile. “But I’m sure I could think of something.”

Bella blinked. It wasn’t what he said, really. It was how he said it, his voice was a mix of chocolate and sugared creams; low and husky and…She shifted her feet at the look in his eyes: dark and heated.

She swallowed and she could feel her already warm cheeks starting to blaze. Thank God that her friends weren't here to hear him. They would never stop teasing her about it.

She heard him chuckle and his fingers grazed her left cheek. “If you keep blushing like that, you’ll get dizzy.”

She tried to elbow him aside but who was she kidding? Nobody could move Jacob unless he wanted to be moved. “I’m mad at you.”

His eyes shone with innocence. “For what?”

She narrowed his eyes at him. “Don’t even bother, Jake.”

“Awwww, don’t be mad. I only wanted them to like me, so I shared some stories.”

Bella scoffed. “They already like you far too much for my comfort. I’m sure anyone of them would give you their first born if you ask for it.”

“I can get my own first born, thank you very much.” 

She lifted her eyes to him and felt her heart melt at the way he was looking at her while nerves wracked her heart at the implication of his words. “We haven’t even had a date yet and already you’re talking about kids?”

He shrugged and put his hands on her waist. “ You've seen them, remember? There were two.” He tilted his head in thought. “Do you think they were twins?”

Bella was taken aback by the way he casually mentioned her vision but then her mind was also caught up by the thought. She remembered the dark haired children, how could she not? The moment she saw them was one of the most defining moments of her life. And she remembered telling him about it, the look on his face, and the crushing weight in her chest every time she remembered it. She remembered hearing their children laugh as they ran into the forest, seemingly quite at home in the wild. Like their father.

A boy and a girl. They looked to be the same size. Rachel and Rebecca were twins, so…”Oh my God. It could be twins.”

Jacob did a double take, amazed that Bella was actually considering it, then burst out laughing at the look on her face. “Don’t sound so horrified, honey.”

“Twins, Jake. We could have twins.”

She looked so panicked at the thought that Jacob smothered the smile that threatened to erupt at hearing her say ‘we’ and rubbed her shoulders. “Bells honey, I think we should go on a date first before naming our kids.”

“Oh, that’s true.” Then she frowned. “Wait, why are we talking about my vision like it’s a done deal?”

“Why are we talking and using words like ‘my vision’?”

“Because we’re not normal?”

Jacob snickered, walked across the kitchen and sat on one of the sofas. He sent a wicked grin her way and patted his lap. Bella rolled her eyes but sat on his lap anyway. She giggled when he immediately wrapped her in a bear hug. For a second she thought that this should be awkward, weren't they still in the ‘nearly first date’ stage of their relationship; that nervous, strange phase of any relationship?

“So, where should we go on this date?”

Bella tucked her face against his shoulder, sniffing him. He smelled like oil and musk and sugar and strawberries. When it was clear that she was distracted, he nudged her with his chin. “Hey, answer me, woman.”

“Oh, the woman calling is starting all ready? Soon you’d have me chained to the kitchen.”

“I don’t have to, you already spend all your time in the kitchen. I just have to make sure you spend all your time in my kitchen now.”

Bella snorted, her breath tickling his neck. 


“I don’t know. I asked you. So you decide on the place. Surprise me.”

Jacob eased his head away in order to see her better. “You hate surprises.”

“In order to survive in my pack, I've adapted.”

Jacob chuckled low in his throat, his chest rumbled against her cheek. “Was it really that bad?”

She drew figure eights against his T shirt. “It was touch and go for a while. But, I survived. Stockholm syndrome probably helped.”

That earned her another smile from him and she smiled against his neck before leaning her head against his shoulder. “Seriously, Jake. Surprise me. I’m sure anything you choose will be fine.”

“I could choose a bar for all you know.”

“Then I’d probably like it.”

He gave her a dubious look and she rolled her eyes. “ I've been to bars you know.”

He kept the dubious look on his face.

“Lulu. Damien.” She said as an explanation. “Besides, being you. You’d never take me to a place that’s not to my liking.”

“How’d you know?”

“Because you’re you. You can’t help it. You’re thoughtful like that.”

His lips curved when their foreheads met. “Am I?”

“Yes, that’s why I, you know, sort of love you.”

“Sort of?”

Her smile was impish and mischievous and fun. Jacob was fascinated…and of course, he just had to kiss her. As soon as their lips met, her arms wrapped around his neck while he clamped his body to hers with one arm while the other delved into her hair.

Their lips locked with no foreplay whatsoever. 

Tongues tangled without preliminaries. 

Hunger echoed in every touch. 

The playful tone of their banter changed into heat as skin touched skin. Jacob’s hand slipped down her back to worm into her T-shirt.

Hers were already on his naked ribs.

Bella shifted on his lap. “Wait, let me—“ With an adept twist of her body, she straddled him and their torsos crushed against each other. Jacob let out a deep, dark growl and Bella let out a small whimper when he nipped at her bottom lip.

Her nails scratched his back and his mouth drew a hot trail against the curve of her neck. When she let out a moan, he came back up and hunted for her mouth.

Jacob was on fire. And he was so hard it was painful. Quiet, serious Bella always managed to arouse him beyond belief. Who would’ve known that she would become so uninhibited in his arms? When it came to passion, Bella was no delicate flower. She scratched, she writhed, she moaned. All his hard-earned control was smoke. All he wanted to do now was dragged her into bed and spent the night loving her.

He cursed when she bit his earlobe hard. He paid her back by sucking her neck. “Like to bite, honey? How about being bit?” 

“I wouldn't know.” She muttered against her mouth but she shuddered when he drew the soft skin of her shoulder between his teeth and bit down gently. The soft sounds she made shot straight to his groin. She liked it. Holy hell.

“The first time somebody bit me, I didn't like it so much.”

He frowned at the thought of somebody else biting her but she laughed and waved her hand. Her right hand. Where a crescent scar shape stayed cool despite her body temperature. 

Even as if he knew she had survived it, he couldn't help but feel his blood boiled even hotter with anger at the thought that a vampire had tried to kill her.

No vampire would ever touch her now. He would make sure of it.

As if she sensed his anger, she curved her fingers around his jaw then nuzzled her nose against his. His eyes closed as he took a deep breath of her scent and gathered her even closer in his arms. “I’m okay, Jake.”

He felt his shoulders relaxed. “I know you are, honey.” He lifted her right hand and his lips seemed to burn as it touched the scar. He rubbed her back with long steady strokes and sighed when she leaned against him.

“I like this.”

“Hm?” His blood was still hot in his veins but that was probably because Bella was all pressed up against him, feeling soft and curvy and smelling all delicious. Her long heavy hair streamed down her back, still damp from her shower. He played with the strands, wrapping and unwrapping her hair around his fist.

“Just being with you with your arms around me.”

“Well, since I like holding you, that’s fortunate.”

“ I've been thinking.”


“What do we tell the dads?”

“The dads?” Humor riddled his voice and hearing it made her smile. Everything about him seemed to make her smile these days.

“My dad and your dad. What do we tell them?”

“Do we have to tell them anything?”

She lifted her head at that and stared at him in bemusement. “You think we should keep this a secret?”


“Us, dating each other.”

“Bells, honey, I think they already know by now.”

“How? Did you tell Billy?”

“Bells, with us being in the same vicinity, the end game is pretty predictable.”

She frowned. “Do you think so?”

“Do I think it’s predictable or do I think that they would think so, too?”

She took a moment to think. “Both.”

“Yes, both I and the dads would think so. Besides, they know me so they know I wouldn't leave you alone for too long.”

She smiled. “Wouldn’t you?”

“Hell, no.” 

Her smile widened with amusement because of the ‘are you crazy?’ look he gave her. 

“Besides, can you really imagine us being together without ending up where we are now?”

She thought about it and found herself thinking that it would be kind of impossible for them being in such close contact but not be together. Even when they had just met, Bella had felt a connection with the shy, awkward boy with the beautiful smile.

She tilted her head in thought. “Jake, were we ever just friends?”

He leaned over to give her lips a peck. “If we were, it didn't last long.”

Her mouth curved against his and that encouraged him to deepen the kiss. Bella sighed into his mouth as he kissed her with slow, steady movements of his lips. Jacob was a great kisser and he actually liked kissing. Bella could tell from the way he touched his mouth to hers that he could kiss her all day.

And she loved it.

Oh, she’d gone on a few dates and had kissed her share of guys but kissing Jacob was just so very different. His kisses were luscious and deliberate and he was just so focused on her that she couldn't help but feel like the only girl who was meant for him.

And it wasn't just his mouth (though that itself was enough to drive her insane). When Jacob kissed her, he did it with his whole body; the way his hands stroke her back, her shoulders, tangled in her hair, held on to her hips, wrapped around her waist, curved over her butt, the way his body seemed to gravitate toward hers as if he wanted to be closer, so much closer to her. And then there was always that low, raspy rumble in his chest that tickled hers and made her...well, you know.

And he has so many moods; playful, desperate, sly, gentle, loving, intense.

But even with his shifting moods, his kisses always told her the same thing:

I want you.

I love you.

You’re it for me.

Jacob broke off their kiss and panted into her neck. “Damn. Incoming.”

Bella blinked the haze out of her eyes and got off his lap just as a knock sounded on her door. “You guys decent?” Tina asked. “We’re going to go home now.”

“Uh, I’ll be right down.” Bella rushed over to the mirror in her bedroom and grimaced at her reflection. She went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face in an effort to tone down her flushed complexion and took deep even breaths to control her breathing. 

Jacob snickered when she muttered something about ‘looking like horny teenagers after a make out session’.

“I can’t speak for you, honey, but I am horny and we were in a make out session.”

After that kiss, well, she was also horny but in no way would she ever admit it.

As they walked downstairs, she smacked him when he patted her butt in a manner that he probably thought of as affectionately comforting. 

Bella ignored the snickers on her pack’s faces when their eyes fell on her flushed cheeks and bruised lips.

Lulu noticed that Jake was putting on his leather jacket. “You’re not staying over?”

Bella frowned, mortified with just how disappointed Lulu sound. “Of course he's not staying over.”

Jacob blinked and turned wide, guileless eyes at her. “I’m not?”

Bella froze in the act of straightening a chair and stared at him. “Wha, uh, do you want to?” Then as if her brain caught up with what she just said, her face blazed brightly.

Jacob burst out laughing, reached over and hugged her to him. “Breathe, Bella.” He pulled her with him as he walked outside, and the others trailed after them. Or so they thought. “I have the morning shift at JEQ anyway.”

He nodded to Mercy and Caleb who had the use of Jake’s Impala for as long as they had to come to Bells. They were bickering about over who gets to drive. “No stops, you guys. I’d know if you did.”

Caleb groaned. “He always knows.” Then he frowned before he opened the passenger’s seat. Apparently he lost the keys to Mercy.

“The Pack watches over them?” Bella whispered and Jacob nodded. He walked to his bike and straddled it before inserting the keys on the ignition. “So, how does tomorrow sound?”

She waved to Caleb and Mercy as the caromed their way home. “Tomorrow?”

“Our date. Are you free tomorrow night?”

All of a sudden, several voices yelled from inside Bells. “Yes, she is.”

Bella turned and yelled back, “Weren’t you guys leaving?”

She rolled her eyes when they laughed like loons. “Tomorrow night would be good.”

“I’ll pick you up at 8?”

She nodded, suddenly feeling shy. She pushed her hair back and just looked at him and he looked back at her. Why did she feel so awkward now? “So, tomorrow at 8. OK. Um, bye.”

He stared at her and she shifted her feet on the sidewalk. Why was he looking at her like that? All amused and—

“OK. Um, bye?” He asked her. “What are we? Nine?”

He hooked a finger on the belt loop of her jeans and pulled her closer. “C’mere you.”

She grinned. He grinned. And the awkwardness dissipated. It was that easy. “Bye.” He murmured against her lips, dropping light kisses on her mouth until she laughed. He nipped her bottom lip and drew back. “Now, it’s your turn to kiss me.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “I think I've already kissed you enough for today.”

He shook his head a little. “You haven’t kissed me hello, yet.”

“I haven’t?”


“How thoughtless of me.” 

“It was.” He whispered inches from her face, his breath washed against her skin, smelling like coffee and sugar. “I was kind of hurt.”

“Were you? Couldn't have that.” She teased and his eyes warmed in the soft glow of street lights. The light shower earlier in the night left puddles of water that gleamed like crushed stars on the dark asphalt and their shadows were long and blended into one as they moved closer and kissed.

This time the kiss was sweet and dreamlike; the kind of kiss that fairy tales were made of but this, she knew, was as real as anything in her life could ever be. 

When the kiss ended, it was with a sleepy sigh and her eyelids fluttered open slowly to see him smiling at her, the kind of smile that heated her blood and warmed her heart. It brightened even more when she whispered, “Hello.”

He touched their noses together, “Hi.”

She saw his eyes flickered away from her before, with a small grin, he pulled back.

Bella sighed. “They’re watching us, aren’t they?”

Jacob waved to her friends who probably had their faces pressed on the windows by now. She looked over her shoulder and true enough, there they were.

“You guys better not get any prints on that window!”

As an answer, Brian squirted the glass with glass cleaner.

“See what I have to deal with?” She motioned at the smirking, clapping people who were giving her a thumbs up. Misha even had written a perfect 10 on her sketching pad and waving it around.

Jacob laughed.


  1. KYAHHHH! Oh, I loved this. So cute ^_^

    "Jake, were we ever just friends?"

    "if we were, it didn't last long"

    AWWW, that's so like them! I want my own Jacob *sighs*

    I want you.

    I love you.

    You’re it for me.

    So looking forward to a happy ending, whenever you decide to end it. A favor? Please don't kill anyone? It would really suck if anyone died.

    And my favorite part:
    As they walked downstairs, she smacked him when he patted her butt in a manner that he probably thought of as affectionately comforting. LOL

    1. I don't think anyone would die. At least, I don't think so. *sneaky smirk*

      Glad that you liked it!!!
