Monday, April 26, 2010

Promises to Keep9The World in A Promise

Bella POV

I exchanged an amused look with Jacob when Embry and Quil made a great show of greeting me, as if this was the first time they saw me since I left. Their concentrated scrutinizing was comical. "What?"

Quil sighed heavily, his face crumpled into helpless lines so great that I laughed but not soon after almost choked on the my coke when by a slide of hand so fast I almost didn't see it, he passed a five dollar bill to Embry who cackled in triumph and quickly waved over a waitress to spend his winnings.

"Bella, I'm glad, but really, I thought you'd be a vampire by now." He explained. I held my breath, expecting Jacob to turn the table over in anger or something but he merely rolled his eyes.

Quil however, continued to look me over. "What do they feed you?"

This time Jacob narrowed his eyes but merely said, "Embry."

I grinned when without batting an eyelash, even without looking up from the menu, Embry lifted his hand and slapped the back of Quil's head.

Quil took the abuse without so much as a blink.

"Bella." I looked up at the feminine shout and smiled when I saw Sue, Seth and Leah's mother. "So good to see you."

"Good to see you to, Sue. This is a great place." I yelled over the music and she grinned proudly. "Well, this is the only way I get to see my kids nowadays."

I probably looked confused because Jacob chimed in. "We work here in shifts, so does Seth and Leah. There's always a couple of us hanging around."

I nodded and smiled at Sue. "Teenagers."

She laughed and rolled her eyes when somebody called her name. "Well, I have to go. Order something, it's on the house. Only Bella's." She said before Embry, Jacob and Quil could say anything. She kissed my cheek and waved. "We'll see you tonight. Make sure you see Charlie, he's been pining."

"For my cooking, perhaps."

She disappeared into the crowd with a laugh. I looked around the diner, the music was so loud the walls or what's left of it shook with the bass, the sounds of glass, plates and spoons rose higher than the hum of conversation, as was the shrieks and laughter of children who ran over the place. People ran and stumbled over each other, the rows of table were crooked and jammed across every available space without any sort of order.

I love it.

Someone slid along the booth that we occupied and smooshed me against Jacob. Seth beamed brightly at me. "So, what do you think?"

I beamed back. "It's great."

"I named it. From what the people called Taha Aki."

I laughed, he's enthusiasm was infectious. "I know. Very clever."

The three older boys on the table groaned. "Don't encourage him."

"Go away."

"This is grown up time."

They tossed French fries at him which he deftly caught and toss into his mouth. Smiling slyly at Jacob, he pecked my cheek before saying that he had work to do. Before I can catch my breath at the whirlwind of his coming and going, Leah came to the table, an apron around her slim hips, a pen and paper on their hands. "Oh, it's you guys. What do you want?"

Embry stared woefully at Leah. "Leah, is that the way you talk to customers?"

Leah sneered back. "Yes, what you gonna do about it?"

Quil pointed at her with a straw. "We'll tell Sue."

I stifled a smile when Leah's challenging expression fell but she wasn't one to step back from a fight. "Yeah? Then I'll tell about all those napkins you wasted by scribbling your number so you can give it to every available girl." Her eyes glinted. "I even saw you gave one to Kimberly Blackwing."

Quil knew when he was defeated, "Well played." I laughed when the guys threw paper napkins at him.

"Kimberly Blackwing?" Embry asked in disgust. "Are you really that desperate, Quil?" He dodged neatly out of the way of Quil's elbow and aimed a crooked smile to Jacob that spoke of evil thoughts. "Besides, everyone knows that Kimberly had set her sights upon a certain someone."

I perked up at that, ignoring the subtle twist in my stomach--the same one when I saw Amy--and looked sideways to where everyone else was looking, at Jacob.

Jacob lifted his left hand--his right hand perched along the top of the booth we were sitting on--to sip on his coke in a nonchalant manner. "Blackwing who?"

I stared at him but again, like when I asked about Amy, he appeared to look totally clueless and from Quil's, Embry's to Leah's reaction, I concluded that this happened a lot.

Strange, I always thought of Jacob as mature beyond his age and very perceptive.

I shook my head at the sheer amount that they ordered, Leah had to flip a page. When she left I finally voiced the question that surfaced when I thought about their eating habits. "Don't people ever get suspicious on why you guys eat so much? They might think you're on drugs or something."

They laughed. "Bella, please." Quil aimed an amused glance at me. "Do you really think anyone looking at us would think that we're taking drugs?"

I tilted my head in thought as I spread my gaze to the smiling faces around me. Taking in the healthy, beautiful color of their skin, the blue black of their hair, the sharp glint in their dark eyes, their muscular build and the intangible sense of, well, something that oozed out of them like perfume that set them apart from other people. It's not as vividly obvious as with the Cullens who were so obviously something else, but now that I know what the boys were, it was impossible to see them as anything but.

And like the day when Jacob came to my school, everyone sensed it, they didn't know what it was but it tapped into their subconscious that they boys are different, they are dangerous, that they are people that you don't want to mess with. Even now, where people are standing almost at each others toes, the crowd gave wide berth to our booth, darting nervous glances at us without even knowing why. Seth and Leah who traipsed across the room also had no problem of finding their way through the crowd.

I smothered the shiver that feathered down my spine and almost knock over my glass when Jacob laughed and lifted my hand, pulling at it so the guys can see. "Look, she got goosebumps."

I wanted to sink into the chair when they laughed and teased me, their voices getting louder by the second because of my blush. "Well, you guys are something all right." I muttered darkly which only made them laugh harder.

I sighed in relief when the food came and it took their attention away from me. I forked my spaghetti and watched them eat--it was still an experience--and I finally realized that I missed this. I liked the quiet, the calm, and it's not like the Cullens couldn't be rowdy when they were feeling feisty. Jasper and Emmet's annual duels and fighting matches were always entertaining. I like the way we spend time in the living room, in front of the fireplace, either talking or reading or playing music or simply basking in each others presence.

But I missed this, arguments over food with people around the table talking about nothing at all. Names of friends and family tossed to and fro like a game of tennis, threats over who ordered what on the table.

Eating alone can be a little lonely.

It wasn't like The Cullens tried at Edward's insistence but, it made no sense that they have to sit around the table doing nothing but watch me eat. It was nerve wracking and I was bound to do something stupid because of my nerves, like stab myself with a fork or something, so I either eat alone or with Edward which again, is a bit silly.

"What are you smiling at?" Jacob whispered and looking into his dark eyes, I felt myself smiling a little wider. "Nothing."

He looked at me suspiciously but the look in his eyes showed that he understood, he returned to his food and argued with Quil over some mechanical thing but not before he brushed a hand along my shoulder. I caught Embry's eyes that was somewhat serious, obviously he saw the comforting gesture and interpreted it as something else.

I was almost halfway through my plate when they finished eating their mountain of food. Suddenly, out of nowhere Quil leaned forward. "Two out of three?"

Jacob snorted. "Give it up already, man. You always lose."


He shrugged. "Fine, more money for me." I eased out of my chair to let him pass and he stood before me. "I'm going to pulverize Quil over a game of foose ball. Stay here, okay? Finish your food."

The bland stare I gave him made him laugh.

"He's happy."

I turned to see Seth taking Quil's spot on the table. Embry still slurping on his coke.

I sat and twirled my fork, looking back to Jacob who grinned at Quil, obviously trading insults. "Looks like."

"You're going to break his heart again, aren't you?"

"Seth." Embry hissed at the younger boy but Seth didn't take his eyes off of me. The words may stabbed my heart with little pin pricks but the tone itself was bemused, curious even, it was not even remotely accusing.

Maybe he saw that his question hurt me, so he backtracked. "It's not like it's your fault or anything, or his. It's just, it's hard...seeing him that way. Feeling it." He shrugged. "I just want a warning next time."

My knuckles whitened around the fork. "There won't be a next time, Seth."

"You sound sure." Seth's was not accusing, but Embry's was. His frown was more than enough for me to guiltily slide my eyes away. "Was it...bad?"

"Was it bad for you when the bloodsucker left?"

I winced, the memory of those months were still a little too clear for my liking. And the pain that I remembered was something that I would ever wish on anyone, least of all Jacob. "I'm sorry."

Embry sighed. "It's not your fault, Bella. Not all of it, anyway. It's him." His dark eyes met mine, frustrated. "He just can't let you go."

Something curled inside me at his words, a feeling that was so close to relief that I felt even guiltier.

"We keep hoping that he would or at the very least, imprint."

Seth shook his head at the question in my eyes. "He hasn't."

"Forget imprint, we'd be glad if he so much as comment on a girl."

Seth piped in again. "He doesn't."

"I do notice that he is a bit oblivious about girls."

"Except you." Seth corrected.

Even now, I could see the appreciation in female eyes over his lean form, the way their eyes wandered over to him and stayed when he flashed a brilliant smile. Caught by the sound of his laughter--the sound of sunlight. It wasn't just the impressive way he filled a T shirt, or the interesting grease smears on his old, tattered jeans. It wasn't the werewolf thing that might as well stamp the word bad boy on his forehead.

It was the grace of his movements despite his large build, the wicked glint in his deep set eyes, the ease of confidence that bordered on arrogance. The contrast of his rugged looks, his earthy laugh and the way his fingers touched the foose ball table, the easy way those long and large hands turned the handles that showed a hint of firmness but also gentleness that pricks the curiosity.

"He gets a lot of attention then?"

Seth scoffed. "If you think this is bad, you should see when he's at school. The girls there salivates over him like..." He paused and I waited for it. "..wolves.

Embry chuckled before it settled into a sigh. "But again, it's not like he notices it. It's like, he doesn't see them."

The way he said it made me flash backed to a particular memory. I could almost hear the waves and taste the salt in the air. Felt again the flutter of my heart when Jacob's dark eyes pierced into mine.

I'll never see anyone else, Bella. I only see you. Even when I close my eyes and try to see something else...

Í felt my chest constrict with a kind of sweet pain that had no place inside me, that shouldn't be there at all. As if he felt my eyes on him from his spot across the room, he looked back, a smile on his face that dimmed by seconds with whatever it was he saw in my face. His expression turned soft as did the curve of his lips while we kept our eyes on each other.

The loud screech of a toddler near by, didn't matter.

The judging and calculating eyes of both Seth and Embry, didn't matter.

The music that pounded over the speakers, didn't matter.

The wedding band that weighed my left hand, didn't matter.

The only thing that mattered was the oddments of memories and crystallized moments that brought me to this epiphany.

I love him and he loves me.

And no length of time will change that, not even the fact that I'm already living my happy ending, that I already have my prince charming, that I got my story book ending.

The beguiling sadness that breathed inside me was almost as sweet as it was heart breaking.

Again, this was nothing new.

We didn't talk about it. Not in the diner when he sat back on the table, not when we were driving to the bonfire because, we both know that nothing had change. That things will not change.

We sat in the darkness of the car, the silent between us was a loud screaming presence on its own, but still we didn't speak. Unsaid words hovered between us, choking the air with tension as I watched Jacob from the corner of my eyes. It didn't take long for us to reach the bonfire but the tension had build so quickly between us that it was near to bursting when we got of the car.

He walked in front of me with strong, silent steps.

I couldn't take it anymore. I have to say something. "Jacob."

He looked back and for the life of me, I couldn't think of anything to say. Not anything that we haven't talked about before. He turned and stood before me. I wondered if the look in his eyes reflected mine when he slid his arms around me. "I know," he whispered into my hair.

Inside the warmth of his arms, listening to his heart beat, I decided that there was nothing more to say, we've said all there was to say, all that needed to be said. It didn't change things then, it wouldn't change things now. We stayed like that for a few seconds more before he snapped his head up. "Everyone has gathered."

He pulled away, took my hand and guided me to the circle.

Promises to Keep-8Confining Promises



There it is.

The look she wore whenever I pushed my luck, whenever she heard something that she didn't like or at the very least, was uncomfortable with.

Well, tough.

It's not like she didn't know, that she hadn't heard it a thousand times already from my own lips. It's not like I'd ever tried to hide it and even though I didn't say the words, I knew that she heard it as clearly as if I did.

There was no hiding it, not from the pack, not from her. I might smile and resume the life I had before she entered it—except for the werewolf part as an added plus—I could pretend around Charlie and my dad and it was easier still to pretend that Bella had never existed when I'm in school, surrounded by people who hadn't known her at all.

But now and again, my eyes would follow girls with slim builds and brunette hair, my ears would wait to hear the loud, grouchy grumble of her truck and my heart would ache when I caught myself doing the very thing that I promised myself I will never do again.

I dream of her...

The cold was starting to transform into mist, it clung to my skin and dampened my T-shirt but I still held her brown eyes with mine.

Would I ever get tired of being told that I wasn't enough?

She loved me but not enough to be with me.

My feelings mattered but not enough to change hers.

She was married. To a vampire.

Soon, she'll be one of them, too. The end.

Give up already.

She has her happy ending. Close that book.

Those words didn't only come from Embry or Quil or Jared, Paul or Leah for that matter, some of those words or something along those lines were also mine but it was no use.

Her words, her goodbyes were not enough to make me stop, so what made them think that theirs could?

And Sam, well, if I mull over my problem with Sam, the hours would pass only too quickly.

Finally, it was too much for her and she pulled her gaze away with some effort, like it was hard for her to do. My name was a sigh on her lips and as always, when she beckons, I come.

She started when I put my hand on her shoulder, either from the heat of my palm, the speed of my movement or the lack of sound of my footsteps. The look in her eyes when she looked at me when I knelt by her feet was a balm to my shuddering soul.

And even though she didn't say it, I knew she still loved me, too.

I'd spent many restless nights wondering what kind of a world I lived in that allowed two people to love each other so much, to recognize somebody as a soul mate but keep them apart by something equally strong, equally undeniable if not more so.

The answer came easily enough; a world where legends are real, where monsters didn't hide underneath our beds but walked among us and stared into our eyes with impunity.

It wasn't imprinting, I thought, but it was close enough.

My world didn't revolve around her but when was gone, she was the mist that surrounded my mind and every thought, the veil that covered my eyes, the song that my heart beat in time with.

The ground didn't move when I saw her but it crumbled underneath my feet when she was gone.

And gravity? Gravity didn't exist.

I hovered, suspended between the world where mythical creatures were flesh and blood and the real world where time lagged from one second to the other.

I held her soft, cold hands in mine and felt grounded, the Earth—once again—solid beneath my feet.

My senses returned to me by the sight and smell of her, the sound of her heartbeat and the feel of her warm skin.

And once she'll go away again—and she will—I will remember this exact moment when I knelt before the girl I loved, looking into her eyes, this exact second when I stopped fighting, stopped arguing, stopped struggling with myself and just accepted that my feelings for her would never go away.

I released the strangling hold that I had over my heart and with it, the weight that had been weighing it down. I felt it go and celebrated my heart's freedom, and it probably showed—showed in my face, my smile, because I saw it mirrored in her eyes in the way they smiled, seconds before her lips did.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked unaware that she was smiling, too.

Because I love you.

"Why are you?" I let the smile stretch even further and her smile also widened. I doubted that she realized it and I surrendered to the golden sensation that bubbled up my throat, and I laughed.

"Jake, what is it?"

I laughed harder and she started to giggle without seeming to know why.

"Jake. Come on, tell me the joke." She said between laughs, her face glowing brightly in the ever-changing light.

Our laughs clashed, harmonized, twined around each other in the misty air.

I sighed, still smiling, feeling the warm glow that climbed out from my heart to spread over my body. "I'm just glad that you're here, Bella."

She blinked, confused, but a smile still curved her lips, her head tilting slightly to the side as if trying to decide on whether to press further or not but probably something in my face made her accept my answer as it was.

I rubbed her chilling hands. "You're cold." I smiled again as an idea popped into my head. "Come on, I have a place to show you."

"A place?"

I only grinned.

After a few seconds when I put on my clean pair of jeans—okay, there were some grease smears but they were the cleanest I had at the moment—and shoes, and after a minute more when Bella insisted that she reacquaint herself with Rabbit, we finally got a move on. Less than fifteen minutes later we stood in front of a charming building—well, more like a well-lived-in shack—that was filled to the brim with people, we could see them walking around, talking over tables and counters throughout the huge windowless opening that took half of the walls.

It didn't look like much but it was homey and comfortable.

Its yard was loitered with cars, motorbikes, and bicycles. Bella, however, was not paying attention to the ear-deafening music pounding through the corner speakers or the screams and laughter of children. Her attention was caught by the signboard of the place; carved vertically on one of the white beams were the word: The Great Wolf.

My lips twitched when she eyed the wooden wolf statue that stood as high as her waist, guarding the entrance.

Finally, after a full minute when her eyes returned to the signboard and then—again—shifted to the wooden wolf statue, she turned to him. "Really?"

By the grin on her face, it was obvious she was tickled by both and she laughed with me. I told her how Sue bought the place and made it into a diner, now everyone seemed to come and gravitate toward the diner whenever they had free time, which was always.

She narrowed her eyes at the wolf statue, observing the protective posture, the detail of its fur and depth of eyes. I nodded when she lifted questioning eyes to me. "I kept myself busy remember?"

"Uh-huh." I pulled the hand that was brushing over the head of the carved wolf and walked behind her so she didn't get squashed by the crowd. "The guys are probably here, too."

She inched her head back to look at me and I stroked her arm in comfort. "They'll behave."

"I don't want them to behave." She yelled back but I ignored her as I waved to some people from school.

"Hi, Jacob." I turned to see a girl at my English class sitting with a bunch of people, again, from school.

"Hey, Amy." I waved back but didn't stop to chat because Embry yelled my name at the same time; they had a table at one of the corners. I pushed Bella forward, guiding her by a hand on her elbows, my eyes at the guys until I sensed her eyes on me. I ducked down but kept moving. "What?"

She smiled. A hand came up to shift her loose, long hair. "I think she likes you."

I blinked. "Who?"

She looked at me suspiciously, as if she didn't believe that I had no idea who she was referring to. "The girl. Amy."

I scoffed. "Amy? What?"

"What do you mean, what? It's obvious."

I laughed, shook my head and shrugged, not believing it. "Yeah, well. I'm taken."

The look appeared again and she inched away but I reached for her hand.

She'd been away from me for far too long. "Embry and Quil already got a table. Come on."

Promises to Keep-7The Constant Promise


Jacob stared when I got out of the car and stumbled not only once but twice along the gravel road that led to Emily's house, he took my hand with an exaggerated sigh, shaking his head and chuckling all the while. "Only you, Bella."

"Its not like I can help it." I protested which only made him chuckle harder, my eyes unsconciously drinking in his laughing face but the calm and relief that I felt from his safety was quickly replaced by nerves.

"What is it?" He asked when he noticed I was lagging behind. My fingers twisting in his.

I stared nervously at the pretty house that was still familiar to me after all this time, my eyes shifted to his when I felt him squeeze my fingers, naturally detecting my anxiety. "It'll be fine, Bella."


Curious when Jacob groaned and rolled his eyes, I peeked out from Jacob's back to see who the owner of the strange but familiar voice and managed not to stare with open mouth shock when somebody who vaguely looked like Seth ran incredibly fast toward us, the grin on his face as brilliant as the sun.

"Seth, down." Jacob muttered, Seth slowed down to a jog, the grin turned impish but not even close to repentant. He reminded me more than ever of how Jacob used to be, and also of how I felt every time I saw Jacob before his change. Seth shot off vertically--not as tall as Jacob but tall enough to create a shadow when he reached me--and filled out, very much like Jacob did.

Long and lean like a grey hound--no pun intended.

His dark eyes glinted with mischief and recklessness and my mind clouded with worry of what will happen, my hand that was tucked in Jacob's hands tightened around his fingers.

"Oof!" My fingers tore out of Jacob's as Seth threw his arms around me and lifted me inches from the ground. It seemed that Jacob's enthusiasm rubbed off on him too.

"Sam said you brought trouble with you." He grinned at me, still holding me up without batting an eyelash.

He ducked and shifted his feet, dodging Jacob's hand that flashed out to hit the back of his head.

"Remember that talk we had about tact, Seth?" Jacob lifted an eyebrow at the younger version of himself.

Both Seth and I scoffed at him.

"What?" He asked, offended.

"I don't think you're the best person to lecture about tact, Jacob." I answered.

"I know how to be tactful."


"I do."

Seth and I exchanged glances then rolled our eyes.

"Sure, Jake."

"Yeah, you got loads of tact."

"You're the very soul of tact."

"Shut up. And put her down already, sheesh."

Seth merely grinned and put me gently on my feet before leading the way to the house. "Come on, everybody is here."

I stifled a wince. "Everybody?"

"Well, this ispack business." He eyed me as we almost reached the house. "What are you so worried about?"

"Somehow I doubt that I'm welcome, Jake."

He shifted his gaze, inadvertantly comfirming my suspicion. "It's not you, Bella." He kept his voice light. "At least, not yet."


He stopped pulling me forward, sighed and turned to face me. "Whatever that's coming for us, it's not your fault. Will you please stop blaming yourself for everything?"

"I will when it stops being my fault."

"You're being silly."

"It's fact. The Volturi won't even come here in the first place if it wasn't for me."

"Fault is not the problem here, okay? We'll deal with it."

I frowned, needing him to understand. "The Volturi is nothing like the new born vampires, Jacob. I--" He lifted his hands and held my head between his two large, hands, I felt grateful for the warmth of his hands against my skin. "We'll discuss fault later, okay. Now, I don't know about you but I'm hungry and from the deliciouslooking smells that are coming out of this house, Emily is cooking, and if we keep discussing about this out here, there will be no more food for me because my brothers will attack her like starved wolves."

It was weak, but I couldn't help but smile at the helpless, pleading woebegone look in his dark brown eyes. "Fine."

My heart twisted when his face brighten with that smile; the one that warmed me up from the crown of my head to the tips of my frozen toes. He watched me shudder and frowned, pulling me to the terrace. "Besides, you have to get out of the cold."

Jacob's smile was sly and amused when he caught me squaring my shoulders, his hand reaching for mine before he swung the door open..

The scene that greeted me was right out of every mother's nightmare.

Half naked boys were lounging around a table that groaned over the weight of rows and stacks of plates, bare feet and huge, half of them were sitting on the counters. I blinked when I saw Colin and Brady waved at me, almost as big and long as Seth at one of the corners of the room, gulping down a large pile of scrambled eggs each.

I huffed out a breath, I forgot how big, how vital all were, it was as if the air was electrified by their gathered presence. They were an eye catching sight all on their own, together they were an immovable force to contend with. Just stepping into the room felt like she passed through some kind of static web that pressed against her.

Jacob ducked his head over the doorframe, dragging me along. "There better still be some of that food for me."

Emily slided up among the walls of bodies, Bella blinked at the ease of how she made her way--a shift of feet, a poke here, an elbow shoved there--toward us. She looked like she was amused by my overwhelmed expression and engulped me in an embrace that I gratefully return just because she was normal, and at least she was smiling. "Bella, how are you?" She kissed my cheek, and I found out that although the scars were still there, still vivid, but I hardly saw them anymore. She looked beautiful to me, and comfortable and at home. "You look good."

"Thank you, Emily." I smiled, simply because I couldn't not to, looking into her happy face but inside, I was still cautious. "You do, too."

"I saved you some, Jacob. It's in the oven." She said without taking her eyes off of me.

Emily rolled his eyes at me when Jacob exhuberently hugged her and kissed her scarred cheek. "Blessyou, Emily."

His eyes met mine in reassurance before he raced Seth to the oven. She shifted to my side, her arm hooked around mine and waited for me to clear my mind. I looked around along the path of desruction and mayhem--waved at Embry and Quil who grinned back, their mouths busy with chewing on something--my eyes went over everything twice before coming back to look at her. "How long till you get use to it?"

Emily laughed again and pulled me in. "Oh, Bella. I hope I never do."

I laughed at Jacob and Seth when they fought over the last sausage, only to lose it to Brady. Eventually, they ganged up on him on the last cookie. It bothered me, how comfortable I was here now that my anxiety about my welcome was dismissed, how easy they accepted me back into their circle. Of course, I also noticed that Paul, Jared, Leah and Sam weren't there, so perhaps, the jury was still out.

"Sam's talking with the council." I blinked when Jacob answered my thoughts. When I stared, he merely pulled at the edges of my hair. "Quiet, Bella. Always watching, always thinking."

"What's so wrong about that?"

He eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "Why so defensive?"

I opened my mouth to deny but closed it again and thought of something to say. "I'm here to warn you but you won't let me."

He shrugged. "We'll get there eventually, Bells. For now, just relax, we have to wait for the council anyway, might as well enjoy the moment."

It wasn't until an hour later that the rowdy bunch turned eeriely silent, their attention orbiting to the door. I paused with a stack of dried plates in my hand waiting for whatever they were waiting on to show up, the only one that went about her business was Emily, who hummed as she rearranged the numerous plates and cooking ware.

Finally, the door cracked open and I held my breath when Sam, Jared, Paul and Leah entered in successive order. I put the plates in my hand on the table when their eyes instantly zoomed on me, their faces quiet and unreadable.

Jacob appeared beside me like a friendly shadow.

From the way he stood beside me--protective, defensive--I know there was dissension among the ranks, that not all of them welcomed my arrival as easily as Jacob had.

Well, that was to be expected.

Even though I was human, I was one of themnow. One of the Cullens.

Not to mention, I have a knack to bring trouble into their land.

But somehow, I know that it wasn't just that, it wasn't just their tribe they were concern about. I already noticed the way Quil and Embry watched us, their dark eyes dissecting every look and smile. I noticed the way their brows lift when they saw our joined hands,--I wasn't quite ready to let him go just yet, still half sure that this was only a dream and when I wake up, it would have been too late--their brows wrinkled when they saw the russet wooden carving on my bracelet and the wedding band and engagement ring on the opposite hand.

Their watchfulness, the way their eyes glued to Jacob's face also gave me some clue as to how bad it was for Jacob when I left.

My heart ached when I felt his hand on the small of my back, urging me forward.

Sam was the one who greeted me first, shook my hand. "Bella."

"Sam." My little hand was lost in his big one, his dark eyes--wise and patient--probed mine. He smiled. "Marriage agrees with you."

I felt Jacob twitched beside me and I pulled my hand from Sam's grasp. "Thank you."

"How are the Cullens?"

"They are all very well."

"Your husband?"

I stared at Sam, wondering what he was trying to achieve with all the question either than to hurt Jacob. If he wanted to punish someone, surely it should be me. "Edward is fine, thank you for your concern."

I moved to greet the others but apparently Sam, wasn't finish. "How was the honeymoon?"

The hum of conversation stilled when Jacob stepped in front of me, a low growl climbing out of his throat and shivered along my spine, my eyes flashed at the two men but it was Leah who was the first to react. "That's enough. Maybe the two of you should go to your corners, huh?"

Maybe, if Leah's voice was opposing rather than tired, they would have ignored her but they backed away without taking their eyes of each other. Jared and Paul followed Sam into the kitchen while Jacob, Leah and me stayed in the living room with the others.

I looked at Jacob's dark expression and felt my insides twist. "Maybe I should go home for now."

Jacob lifted his head at that, I saw the panic that bloomed inside his eyes. "No, it's still early."

I looked to Leah who sighed. "The council will hear what you have to say tonight, at the bonfire. Until then, your time is yours."

I nodded and looked back to Jacob. "I can come by later."

"Why would you do that for? Come on, we'll spend some time in my house." He grinned, shamelessly using the brilliant smile that I love. "Like old times."

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Embry and Quil exchanged glum glances. "I don't think--"

As if he knew what I was thinking--which was usually the case--his face changed, the tone of his voice lowered. "Don'tthink. Other people can damn well mind their own business. We're not doing anything wrong." He pulled my hand. "Come on."

I glanced at the others from over my shoulder and saw their dark eyes following us, their looks burning a hole at my back.

We've arrive at his house in record time and I pulled on the edges of my jacket when Jacob called for Billy, I didn't know what to feel when Billy was nowhere to be found--relieved that I didn't have to answer any more questions or worried over the lack of buffer between Jacob and me. Jacob pulled out a couple of sodas from the fridge and lead the way to the--where else--garage.

I smiled as I followed, remembering the days where I spent my free time--whenever I wasn't mad at him--thinking of the days I spent here with him. We passed through the thick rows of trees and shrubbery that hid the house and everything else from view. It was easy to feel isolated, away from the house, away from other people, away from all the noise.

I screeched to a stop when I finally saw the garage. It was still the same, still made out of bolts, plastic, and wooden frames, but that was no surprise. I spent enough time there that I can probably build another one just like it, but it was the arrays of machines, cars, motorcycles that riddled the ground that caught my attention. Their guts spilled out on and under plastic tarp, wires hanging out of their openings like multicolored veins.

"Uh, Jacob. Are you running a chop shop?"

He snorted, pulled a plastic tarp off of a mangled carseat and sat on it. "I've been keeping busy."

I walked through the jungle of iron and shook my head. "I can see that. What are you doing with all this stuff?"

"It's not all mine, somebody told somebody that knows somebody that knows me that I could fix things and I figured it's about time I made some money for myself. It's not like I can get a part time job with my schedule, you know." he laughed. "Can you imagine me disappearing from a job because I have to phase like some superhero?"

I smiled at the laughter in his eyes and sat when he patted the seat beside him. "Not to mention if some customer pisses you off and you claw up his car or something."

He chuckled. "Nah, I don't do that anymore."

"Do what? Claw up the side of cars?"

He grinned. "Phase when I'm angry."

"Really? I thought anger triggers the phasing."

"It does. " He shrugged. "I just don't feel angry about being a werewolf anymore. I like being one. I'm over my teenwolf angst."

Suddenly, I remembered my latest conversation with Edward. "You're better at controlling yourself."

He deliberated over that for a few seconds and then nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He met my eyes. "I told you this, didn't I? I seem to have a better hold about this phasing bit than the others."

I nodded. "But last time, you were still a bit bitter about it. What changed?"

His eyes shifted, a hand came out to rubbed over his hair. Somehow I know it was something that I'd rather not know. " makes things easier I guess. It's not just our bodies that changes, Bella, our minds too; things are simpler, less complex, less..." He caught himself, quirked a small smile at me. "Just less. It's freeing."

We sat in silence, looking over the forest and the tattered ruins of his machines, sipping on cold sodas. It didn't take long for me to start shivering and for him to throw a hand over my shoulders, gathering me against his side to offer his body heat.

What he said swirl in my head and joined what Edward had said, it raced and twisted in my head and made me restless. Maybe he felt my tension because he ducked his head to look at my face. "What is it?"

We just met, it's not the right time, don't rock the boat, plead the little voice in my head but I shook it off, there will never be a right time, and our relationship has always been rocky anyway.

"Edward said something."

I felt him still, almost vampire-like if not for the quickening of his heart. "Yeah?"

"Yousaid that we would still be friends, no matter what I am."

He expression was less tense, more surprise and curious as if he was expecting something else from me. "I remember."

"Edward said it won't be that easy. Something about mortal enemies and the like."

His dark eyes swept over my face, I was certain he picked up certain emotions that I'd rather hide. Jacob was younger than me but in some ways he was more patient, more sensible, wiser although his emotions were more explosive than mine.

The kind that heats and blows up in your face before it cools down. Quick to anger, quick to apologize but rarely repentant.

"What did he tell you?"

I tried to read his face but it seems that he had some practice on his poker face. "He said that we would..."

"We would want to kill each other?"

I wondered if I looked as meek as I sound. "Yes."

"Does that bother you?" He asked, his tone of voice oh so matter of fact.

I frowned at him. "What do you take me for, Jacob? Of course, it does. Doesn't it bother you?"

His expression turned speculating before smoothing into the face that he used whenever he was trying to be calm. "Does it matter?"

I looked at the polite mask that he wore, not understanding. "What do you mean does it matter?"

He looked away to the woods, the sky was starting to darken with moody clouds, promising rain or snow. "It means just that, Bella. Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters."

His eyelids lowered and a small smile curved his wide lips. "I guess I should have asked does it matter enough?"

He saw the confusion in my eyes and shook his head slightly. "This is only a grace periode, isn't it? You still want to be a vampire, right?"

I paused before I finally nodded, but I knew that he knew that it wasn't because I have second thoughts but because I was unsure of what he was getting at.

"Then it doesn't matter." He shrugged his broad shoulders and stood, creating distance between us in guise of tossing away his empty can. My body missed his heat immediately. I watched his wide back, felt my stomach clutch at the way he hid away from me. "It matters, Jacob. It matters to me."

When he turned to look at me, his dark eyes were churning with bitterness and pain. "But not enough to make you change your mind."

We stared at each other, his words hovered in the empty space between us. I could deny it but we both would know it to be a lie.

He leaned against a car part that for the life of me, I couldn't named. "Do you know why Sam did what he did? Tossing those little reminders of who you are?"

"He's angry with me, isn't he?"

He shook his head. "No, he's not angry with you. He's angry with me."

His statement made me stared at him. "Why is he angry with you?"

It struck me, that this was the first time that I reallylooked at him since the first time I saw him again, the first time where I didn't see just one part of him--his eyes, his smile, his laugh--where I didn't concentrate on trying to see the shadow of my Jacob but all of him as a whole. His short hair looked like torn black satin, wisping across his broad, mature face. The darkness of his deep set eyes against his broad cheekbones, the straight nose and the wide, even lips. The strong line of his jaw--tight now--his expression settling down to one of youth. I stared at him, stared at how the escaping shafts of sunlight highlight his skin.

The look in his eyes quickened my heart, made the blood under my skin rushed faster. A part of me twisted in guilt and despair for his pain while another part, a part that has been dormant this last few months, turned restlessly and sighed.

He still loves me, parts of me agreed on the same conclusion although the feeling that resulted from it were so very different.

I wondered why that was such a surprise, after all, ever since I knew him, when everything else changed, his feelings for me was the one thing that hadn't.

Promises to Keep-6All In A Promise

Jacob's POV

Damn it, Quil cursed when I appeared out of nowhere and shouldered him hard enough for him to stumble. Where the hell did you come from?

I grinned at him. You're so loud, man. I can hear you a hundred miles away.

I'm not, he protested. I dodged his muzzle that was threateningly close to my shoulder.

Yes, you are. A huge black wolf ran alongside us, its eyes patient and kind but firm. You should practice more on keeping your thoughts to yourself, Quil.

I do practice, Quil protested. A low whine appeared from deep within his chest.

Yeah, between babysitting baby Claire, the female voice infused with the other whispery voices and images in our heads.

Ha, ha. Leah, Quil panted when we cantered to a stop, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. I'm not seeing you do any better. Even Seth is better than you.

We felt Leah's irritation as if it was our own. It's certainly easier for him. Seth has much depth as—

Hey, Seth protested. Leah made a show of looking all around her before looking to her brother as if she didn't see him there before.

Oh, hey, Seth. She made little cooing noises that were specially designed to aggravate her brother, there's my little brother.

Ripples of laughter flitted along our minds.

This was the time when I didn't mind being a werewolf, when I didn't mind sharing thoughts, though that was probably because I was getting good at keeping them from getting too deep into mine. It wasn't like I was able to block them away—that was impossible—but at least, I could keep the others from skimming through the surface so I could have some privacy. So I can have a small measure of peace in my head where I can dump all of my secrets and shames and other things that I'd rather not share with anybody.

Everyone would have one or two of those.

I waited until everyone passed me—Sam taking point—so I can take the rear with the younger ones in front of me. Being a werewolf was starting to be second nature to us all. It probably helped that we all tried to not get into each other's head, or that if we did, we shut our mouths about whatever it was that we saw.

Leah was actually contributing to that unspoken rule.

Our pack was starting to function the way it should.

I listened to them talk inside my head, tuning them out until it became background noise, the same as the chirp of birds and the roar of the wind that rushed through our ears.

Our paws pushed us over the snow without any difficulty, letting pieces of white fly into our faces and bodies where they melted to dampen our fur.

It was uncommonly sunny today and the light dropped from the sky to bounce on the snow and ice that it looked as if we were running on crushed stars.

I felt a smile stretch my muzzle as a feeling of overwhelming content entered my heart. Here I was, with my family, my brothers and sister, experiencing what no normal human could ever have.

The freedom that came from shedding most of our humanity… and complications along the way.

I took a deep breath…and lost it immediately as my sensitive nose caught a cloyingly sweet scent that burned my nose and raised my hackles. My muscles bunched and a low, vicious growl erupted from my chest. The others lifted their heads when I stopped and sniffed the incoming wind. They also caught the scent and sharp snarls lashed out of each one of them, but I tensed even more when I realized there was something strange with the scent. It wasn't thick enough, sweet enough and there was something else.

Wait, I cautioned my pack. Sam.

Sam met my eyes and cantered to where I was standing. He sniffed the air for a moment and nodded, correcting my suspicion. It's human.

It can't be a victim. Leah whipped her head toward us. There's no blood.

Quil clawed at the ground. Maybe they heard us before they could feed so they just killed them.

Jared let out a low growl. There's only one, and it sounds like the person is moving.

Sam's ears flickered back. She. A girl. She's yelling something.

Seth looked at where the scent was coming strong, his head cocked to the side. She's looking for someone?

A wave of fresh wind hit my nose and I scrunched it up…then felt my heart stop as I realized what was strange about the scent.



I must've thought her name out loud because the others instantly whipped their heads toward me.

She's still human.

Jacob, wait. It could be a trap. Sam planted himself in front of me, as did Quil and Paul. Even if she is still human, the vampires might be with her.

She's alone. And this is our land. They won't pass through without permission.

You don't know that, Paul interrupted. Snarls started to slide out his razor teeth. They might be waiting, using her as bait to start a war with us.

Why the hell would they do that? Besides, Bella would never allow it.

Jared shook his head. Jake, she might not be a vampire, but she's one of them now. Who do you think she'll choose? Her family, or a bunch of mutant dogs?

She's not like that, she doesn't think of us that way. I knew there was some sense to what they were saying. I should calm down. I should think this through. I should—but my heart wasn't listening and my little human side was slowly losing control.

I was a werewolf now, mostly driven by instinct—and my instinct told me to run to her, go to her, be with her.

Move. I ordered my brothers and Jared and Paul had to heart was beating a bruise on my ribs at the thought of her so near and my ears flickered when I heard her voice.

"Jake! Ja…"

It was when I realized that she was calling out to me that a loud, deep growl ripped from my chest.

My eyes glinted sharply toward Sam. Sam, move out of the way.

Sam didn't move though he didn't act like he considered me as a threat, but his eyes were focused on me like he was reading my mind.

Which he probably was.

He'll order me to stay. To not see her, the thought escaped me and joined the hushed thoughts of the others. They were busily thinking of other things, trying not to add up to the tension. Their eyes watched Sam and I stare at each other—hardly breathing—as if they were afraid what would happen if they moved so much as an inch.

I heard that she was getting closer, her footsteps echoing in my head, her voice weaving through my thoughts and gripping at my throat to flow down my heart. I tried to think of something else but my thoughts were on just one thing.

One word.


Her name repeated inside my mind to the beat of my quickening heart, and they all knew it and shared in the distressing mixture of hope, trepidation and pain.

Mostly pain.

Sam, please, I begged him.

I saw Embry and Quil stare at me, feeling what I was feeling, thinking what I was thinking.

The memories of our long walks, the feel of our hands against each other's, the weight of her head on my shoulder…

How torturous these six months had been without her.

If I had'nt been so concentrated on her voice, I wouldn't have been surprised when Leah stepped up. Sam, let him go. She really is alone.

Sam looked at Leah for a long moment, long enough for her to step back from where she stood between us, then, finally, he stepped to the side.

Sam hadn't fully cleared the way before I shot off like a bullet that came out of a gun. As I got closer, I noticed the tension in her voice and it made me run even faster. I still had the presence of mind to phase back—not that I thought she'd mind seeing my wolf form but I'd rather meet with her again with my human side—put on the black cutoffs that I pulled off its place from my left calf, a matter that took only seconds, and rushed off again.

It was as if I could sense her grief as it was my own and I smelled the tears on her skin.

The desperation in her voice pushed my feet faster and I propelled myself harder against the ground as I loped on the treacherous snow, through the tangles of vines and tree branches. Something gashed at my cheekbone, but that was something that happened so often now that I hardly registered the stinging pain.


I burst through a tangle of shrubs—my heart beating fast inside my chest because of the urgency and prospect of seeing her again, rather than because of the exertion—my eyes already searching for her silhouette even before my feet hit the ground.

When they did, time skidded to a stop. Earth missed a revolution.

I watched her as the seconds lengthened, watched each separate tendril of her long brown hair—longer now—whip around her slim body as she turned, an action that should have taken seconds seemed like a lifetime to me.

Like all the corny lines in all the corny movies, my heart did stop. So did time—before it rushed in with a roaring sound not unlike that of a waterfall in my ears.

Air was sucked out of my lungs because the sight of her—still human—standing before me as real as the sunlight that highlighted her—non-glowing—face hit me like a punch to the stomach.

I stared at her until I was able to find my voice. "Bella?"

Her brown eyes—blurred by tears—lightened when they met mine. "Jake! Jacob! You're alright." Usually, I instigated any kind of touching between us, but she launched herself upon me, her arms like iron bands around my neck, gripping me to her as if she was afraid I'd disappear, mumbling my name over and over again against my neck.

It wasn't until I noticed she was trembling that her strange greeting registered in my mind.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

I tugged her arms away from my neck and held her face in my hands; her brown eyes were red and swimming with tears. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

A suspicion niggled at the back of my head, a suspicion that didn't need any facts to make it rise to the surface. "Is it the bloodsuckers? Did they hurt you?"

She shook her head vehemently. Fire burst in her eyes at my accusation and she opened her mouth—probably to chastise me—but she was sobbing so hard.

"Did the Cullens come with you?"

She nodded and I turned to look over my shoulder at the two bear-size wolves that shoved out of the bushes. The silver one nodded and turned to where it came from and retreated with the younger ones; they needed to warn Sam about the Cullens' arrival, to make sure no one crossed our lands.

"Is something else coming?"

She nodded, still trying to rein in her emotions. Her face was red and blotchy, and her shoulders shook. I couldn't decipher the cascade of emotions that stormed inside of me at that moment, and although the arrival of the Cullens meant danger was imminent, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips.

As if in answer, the panicked look in her eyes faded, to be replaced by relief. I lifted a hand to cup her cheeks gently—she looked so tiny in her thick jacket—and simply stood there, staring into her brown eyes. My heart expanded until it felt like it would burst when a small smile broke over her trembling lips.

"Welcome home, Bella."

Finally, the tears spilled over, and she wrapped her arms around my waist in a gesture that was as familiar as it was welcomed. And so we stood amidst the golden sunlight and melting snow, immersed in each other's presence as we always were when we were together.

It took a while but after I made a few duty-bound comments about the sickeningly sweet smell and made a great show of trying to clear the air with turning the air conditioner up, I finally feigned reluctance on entering the Mercedes—vampire or not, I have to admit they have good taste in cars. I cranked up the heat when Bella started to shiver and we just sat there, looking at each other, noting the difference that time had marked on us. I noted that her hair was longer, but other than that, she didn't look any different. Her soft brown eyes were on my face and I smiled at the total concentration I saw there.

I didn't really want to break the feeling of contentment that I felt, but I know that Sam would want a clear and concise story of what was coming. "You look tired, Bella."

She swiped her hair from her face, blinked her eyes a few times before answering. "It's been a long couple of days."

I raised an eyebrow. "A couple of days?"

My heart beat strongly when a flush rose up her throat and bloomed in her cheeks. I twisted and leaned back against the door so I could face her and apparently my stare made her discomfiture even worse.

"How long have you known?"

Her fingers were doing a nervous dance along her bracelet and her face tilted down as she mumbled. "A couple of days."

"Hm," I waited until she took a peek at my face in curiosity. "How long..?"

The flush that resulted from that question looked painful. "Longer than I did."

"When is he ever going to start telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

She pinned a glare at me, her mouth settled to a pout. "He meant well."

"Sure," I agreed. "He was merely protecting you. As if anyone of us had ever hurt you." I couldn't help the bitterness that seeped through my act of nonchalance. "We're still 0 to 1 there."

Her eyes turned dark. "Jacob."

I waved a hand in the air. "Never mind. Sorry, my bad. Forget about that." I smiled into her eyes, putting all of my joy and happiness in seeing her into it and as always—I noticed she was a sucker for that smile—she smiled back. "It's good to see you, Bella."

Unexpectedly, her smile shrunk and she started to fiddle with her bracelet. "Really?"

I was surprised by her disbelief. "Yeah, of course."

Her eyes searched for something in my face, as if she doubted my sincerity.

"What is it?"

"You're not angry with me?"

My brows wrinkled, my confused expression stared back at me from the tinted window behind her. "Why should I be?"

Her shoulders hunched and her expression turned darker—not in anger but with shame before she mumbled under her breath. "I didn't call."

My fingers tapped on my knee before I brought it up to my newly cut hair—winter was over—and shrugged. "I sort of figured you were angry with me."

She lifted her face at that to stare at me with surprise.

I looked at her face for a while. "You were, weren't you?"

Her shoulders hunched again. "Yes."

"Don't sweat it, Bella." My eyes slid away from hers. "It's not like I waited around for you to call."

She winced and I chuckled as I reached for her hand—the one with my bracelet on it. "Really, don't sweat it. You're here, that's the only thing that matters."

"You're easily pleased."

I made a sound at the back of my throat and kept my voice light. "Not really. I just take what I can get."

Her eyes peeked at me but didn't comment when she saw that my eyes were on her.

"So, you're still human."

She glared at me obviously telling me to leave it alone.

I grinned and she sighed, knowing that I wouldn't leave it alone.

"Yes, I am. Obviously."

"Feel old, yet?"

Her hand smacked my shoulder but I shifted in my seat and she lost her balance, falling right into my arms. I laughed when she groused at me, trying to struggle out of my playful embrace. "Did you miss me, Bella?"

I tried, really I did, to make the question as casual as possible, but instead my voice deepened and cracked. My arms tightened around her, as if I was trying to entangle her forever in them. I felt my heart tatter when she tensed and pulled away like she always did when I pushed too hard, too fast.

I kept my head down, certain that my face was far from casual, far from controlled. My hands fell away from her as if they could crumble away with my heart.

When her small hands touched my face, I looked up in surprise.

Her eyes were vulnerable but strong as was the hold she had on my face. "Jacob Black, I will always miss you. No matter what kind of idiocy I had inside my head, even when I was so mad at you, I still did."

When she smiled at me, I smiled back, accepting the surge of aching pleasure and bittersweet pain that filled a heart that was left empty these last six months.

"I missed you, too."

My heart overflowed when I saw the pleasure bloom slowly in her eyes. "Anyway, back to business. What's coming? Is it like last time?"

Bella shook her head, her expression turned worried and anxious. "No, Jacob. This is nothing like last time. It's much, much worse."

Promises to Keep-5Promises between Friends

Bella POV

I ignored the indulgent look on Alice's face when I popped my head out of the open window of Carlisle's black Mercedes. I knew my eyes were wide and bright as I drew in the sounds and sights of the place that I once called home.

I breathed in the fresh cool air deeply, the scent of rain was still in the air as well as the smell of damp Earth—everywhere I look—the forests, the ground, everywhere—white was the most dominant color but fresh green was starting to show.

It wasn't so different from Alaska except for the number of trees.

I never thought I'd miss it so much.

Forks, Washington.

After our departure six months ago, I was back again.

If only our return was under happier circumstances.

The first blush of excitement was fading fast and was replaced by the anxiety and the nerve-crumbling-worries that filled my mind most of the time it took for us to arrive since I found out Alice's latest premonitions.

Even thinking about it made my palms sweaty.

I jumped when Alice's ice cold hand held mine. "If you keep pulling at it like that, you'll break it, then you will really have a reason to be upset."

I blinked then looked at my hand that was tangled on the bracelet that Jacob gave me more than half a year ago. The small detailed wooden wolf figurine peeked at me from between my restless fingers. I stopped pulling at it but kept my hand on it, trying to find comfort in the solidness of the little charm that he had made with his large but surprisingly nimble hands.

Jacob Black, my best friend who I haven't seen or called or mentioned since the day I left.

Back when I was being petty, stupid, selfish like I always was and I found myself wishing if only my stupidity and selfishness didn't hurt others and only myself.


You'd think that I would learn.

"He'll be alright, Bella." Alice assured me.

I shrugged off her comforting hand from my shoulders. "You don't know that. You can't even see him." I snapped. Her golden eyes stared at me with hurt and remorse in their golden depths but right now, I didn't care.

I didn't want to be comforted and I was still mad at her for keeping everything from me.

I thought that we were passed all that, keeping secrets from eachother.

Guess, I thought wrong.

"You can stay mad at me but give Edward a break. He was only—"

"He promised." I stubbornly looked outside the windows where moody clouds rolled at the sky in warning of a heavy incoming of either snow or rain. "He promised no more secrets."

I noticed Carlisle—who was driving—exchanged glances with Esme who sat beside him. I knew I was being stubborn but their son was hardly innocent.

Alice sighed. "Bella, you should understand by now the inner workings of Edward's mind. He surely didn't mean to be secretive."

"It doesn't excuse his behavior." I stifled a wince at the sulky tone in my voice but as we got closer to the town, my anger simmered again, making me feel self righteous and I held on to it. I felt the dull edges of the wolf figurine dug into my palm and I focused on that so I'd remembered what I was so angry about.

I have a tendency to lose focus when he was near me. But not this time, this time, he went too far.

"There was no excuse. No excuse for him not to tell me. He knew I would have wanted to know but he kept it from me."

It made things even worse because I had to find out on my own. That night, when we were alone, I unleashed the biggest tantrum I had ever unleashed on anyone least of all him.

Even today, I banished him from my presence so he had to ride with Rosalie and Emmet.

But I knew—knew for certain—that I was in the right this time and my anger was a result of hurt and fear. Fear not for myself but for the people I had came to love. People that had fought for me, hurt for me.

Hurt because of me.

No, this time, I couldn't not be angry at him. I realized that my anger was in no danger of dissipating any time soon.

"Bella." Carlisle's even tempered velvet voice called out to me. "It's not all his fault. We all decided not to tell you until we were sure."

"Not me. I wanted to tell you." Alice piped out beside me, trying to return herself into my good graces. "Immediately."

"Thank you, Alice." I spared her a small smile before returning to Carlisle. "It's not the same, Carlisle. You're not my husband."

Esme's laugh filled the car as she twisted to look at me. "Far be it for me to speak against my sons, Bella, but from a wife's point of view, I do agree with you."

"You're not helping, Esme." Carlisle chided his wife.

Esme's golden eyes shifted to her husband. "I told him that he should tell Bella right away, even Rosalie did, but you men wanted to hoard the secret all for yourselves."

Jasper—sitting on the other side of Alice—groaned when I leaned forward and eyed him. "He made me do it."

Alice elbowed her one true love. "Some brother you are."

He lifted a blond eyebrow. "What about you? You threw Edward to the wolves-"He closed his mouth when he saw whatever kind of expression that I had on my face. He grimaced. "Sorry, Bella. Bad choice of words."

I look out the window again when I felt my eyes started to heat, trying to ignore the whispers that Alice traded with Jasper. The first drop of rain started to touch my face and I was suddenly freezing so I reluctantly close the window.

I was caught surprise by the immediate sensation of claustrophobia—not from the closed space—but from the emotions that was whirling inside me with nowhere to go. The agonizing worry that was eating away at my insides, the guilt that made my stomach felt like lead and an overwhelming need that made my fingers tremble with the force of it.

Suddenly—out of nowhere—a rush of warmth and well being washed over me and I knew where it came from. I snapped my eyes towards Alice and the boy beside her. "Jasper, knock it off."

Alice pouted and Jasper shifted his eyes to the front and the calming sensation disappeared, leaving me restless and worried. I needed to feel this way. Consider it my punishment for treating Jacob the way I did, if the shoes were in the other place, I know I would go crazy.

Oh, Jacob, I called out in my mind.

I knew he was alright, a phone call to Charlie took care of my nightmares but the threat was still there.

The danger was still there.

Still coming.

And to think of the days that I was mad at him, angry and resentful because he'd somehow made me see how much I would sacrificed by being a vampire—not that I'm not going to be a vampire, I will—just…not now.

He fed my doubts with his 'perspectives' as he called them and I hated him a little which was stupid because all he was guilty of was being a good friend. He was just taking care of me—like always—and I hated him for it. I even neglected to call him, tell him that I've arrived or of my decision to delay my change. I knew that he would wonder, knew that he would toss and turn over whether I've changed or not and I let him because I was so angry.

But that didn't mean Edward had any right to do what he did.

No matter how much I groused about Jacob, Edward should have known that I wanted to know if something happened to him. Or if there was a chance of something happening to him like the one that he knew and kept secret from me for two weeks.

Two weeks!

I shuddered at the thought of what could happen in those two weeks.

If something happened to Jacob, to Quil and Embry. To Phil and Jared and Leah. To Sam, Seth and Emily then the twins. To Billy.

And if anything happen to them, I knew something could happen to Charlie, too, because he was always hanging out around Billy's since I was gone—possibly mooching off of Billy and I guess, with Jacob gone so much with the pack, Billy was probably glad for the company.

To think that the Volturi would take an interest in a small pack of werewolves!

The Volturi.

Even the name was able to make me break into a cold sweat.

The fact that Alice can only see one side of the problem—only the Volturi's—set my teeth on edge. Especially, when she started to have flickers of…nothing that told us the vampire council has actually deciding to involve themselves with the werewolves.

It was easy to know what kind involvement that would be.

Images of Caius, Aro and Marcus—their chalky skin, their unnatural grace, their still demeanor was still vivid in my mind. The soldiers, the enforcers that they had—I couldn't imagine the pack fighting all of them. Not to mention Dimitri and Felix and Jane with her monstrous gift.

I remembered the agony I felt, the sheer pain that I experienced when I found out that Jacob was hurt—like a piece of me was dying—I think I wouldn't survive feeling like that all over again.

I don't know how they know about the werewolves, maybe Jane, Felix and Dimitri noticed something on their last visit—I suppressed a shiver at the thought—but if they did, why now? Why wait all this time?

There must be a trigger for their sudden decision.

"Bella, we're here."

I jumped out of the car as fast as I could and ran into the Cullen house to pounce at the nearest phone—Esme had opened the house and took care of everything when Alice saw us coming back to Forks. I pressed Jacob's number by heart and waited impatiently for someone to pick up.

My breath hitched when I heard Billy's voice, suddenly noticing how similar their tone of speech was.

"Billy. It's Bella."

Astonishment rippled in his voice. "Bella, how are you?"

"Good. I'm good. Um, is Jacob there?"

He went quiet awhile and I wondered whether he was trying to figure out a lie to tell me. Was Jacob angry at me because I didn't call?

"Sorry, you missed him. He's out with the others."

"Can you give me directions on how to get there?" I ignored the choking noise that—without even looking I knew—came from Edward.

"Wait. You're home?"

Home. The words slid so naturally from him as if I'd left on a trip instead of moved.

"Yeah, I'm home. So, where's Jacob?"

It took me a long minute to realize why he was hesitating because my mind was immediately filled up with wonderings about whether Jacob didn't want to see me. "Billy, I'm still human."

It's as if I could see his face brightened with pleasure. "Oh, in that case." He mentioned a place that wasn't far from where Jacob and I used to ride our motorcycles. I caught myself again, wondering what had become of mine.

Did he sell it?

"Okay, thanks, Billy. If you meet Emily, say hi for her to me."

"I would. Why don't you come over, she'd love to see you."

I hesitated but was determined to ignore the vampire that I knew was listening into our conversation. "Maybe later today."

"I'd love to see Charlie's face when he sees you. He misses you very much."

I winced. "I have to take care of some errands first. Don't tell him, yet. I want to make it a surprise."

"Sure, sure."

A smile curved my lips at the familiar phrasing. I ended the conversation and turned to my family who stood and sat in various places, their faces turned toward me though their eyes were on Edward who stood with his back to me.

I ignored his stillness. I was—amazingly—still angry at him so I better get out while I can. I didn't feel like thinking about his feelings especially since he didn't think at all about mine.

"Carlisle." I aimed my stare at Carlisle who sat on the sofa with Esme, their hands linked. Carlisle met my eyes with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, Bella."

"Can I borrow the Mercedes?"

"You want to visit Charlie?" I gave Emmet a baleful glare—as if they haven't all been listening to my phone call—but he merely grin, even when Rosalie elbowed him at his side. He winked when I continued to glare at him—reminding me of somebody else that rarely took my anger seriously. It made my anger rose even more.

"No, I'm going to see the pack."

I kept my eyes at Carlisle when he sneaked a look at Edward, that made me feel even angrier. I'm not his pet, I can go anywhere I want. "Of course, I can just call Charlie to pick me up."

Carlisle sighed and handed out the keys for me.

"Thank you."

Edward didn't move until almost passed him. "Bella."

I kept my eyes straight, it was easier to ignore whatever he had to say that way. "Don't talk to me. I'm still angry at you."

"I didn't want to worry you. There was still a chance—"

"Do you take chances with my life?"

"Of course not." He sounded as if he was offended.

"Well, I also don't take chances with the lives of the people that I care about."

"Didn't we already establish that they are alright?" He pleaded and I looked to the side when he ducked his head down to meet my eyes.

"Yes, we did." True, Edward was no human, but he was still a man. "But, it's not that."

"Then, what is it? And why won't you look at me?"

"You broke your promise to me." And remembering that tiny detail made me angry all over again.

He was quiet for a while, as if he had trouble taking it all in. "That's all?"

"That's all?" I whipped my head towards him and for the first time since I met him, the quickening of my heartbeat was not the result of looking at his beautiful face.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Carlisle, Jasper and Emmet winced while Rosalie, Alice and Esme rolled their eyes at Edward's comment.

"What do you mean, 'that's all'?"

But he merely stared at me with those mesmerizing golden eyes as if he was trying—and failing as always—to read my mind. "The fact that Jacob is involved doesn't influence you whatsoever?"

I tried very hard not to stamp my foot. "Of course it does. And bringing up Jacob is not helping your current situation, Edward. You know, you know that he and the pack was in danger. You know how much they mean to me but you kept it a secret anyway and by doing that you broke your promise to me." I narrowed my eyes. "Did the fact that Jacob is involved influence you?"

The beautiful curve of his lips firmed in a straight line. For a minute, I though he was going to lie. Of course it influenced his decision. "Yes, because I know you'd be unreasonable like this. They're not in any danger."

"Yet. But they will if anyone of them meet with one of the Volturi, perhaps, you guys are right, that the Volturi is just curious and they will not bring any harm but you can't be sure. The Volturi might take forever to decide but they eventually do, you said that yourself."

He stared at me for a long while. "I've apologized." He reminded me.

I looked at him, at all the glory of his face and even though the anger that I felt threaten to burn a path and everything that stood in my way, the love I felt for him was still able to shine through, so I look away. "This time, it isn't enough."


"No." I leaned away from him.

"At least let me drive you to the line."

"No." I started walking but he followed me easily which didn't help my temper.

"Bring a cellphone?"

"Call Billy if you need to." I snapped and just for the hell of it, added, "I'll be out late. Don't wait up."

I heard Emmet chuckled at my parting words.

I'm glad someone was enjoying himself.

Finally, as I was alone, I let loose all of my anger, my worry, and my guilt as I stepped on the gas. The vampires were a bad influence on me since it seemed that their love for speed had rubbed off on me.

But since I can't walk out of a car crash—yet—I forced my foot to ease up and concentrated on the road instead of the tempest inside me that rode on my insecurities. Since I've known about the Volturi's interest, they haven't left me alone, there was always someone with me. Edward was probably afraid that I'd get myself on a plane which I did threaten to do when they assured me that I didn't need to do that, that perhaps Edward and Emmet can check on the situation themselves.

I scoffed, remembering that conversation. As if I would let them go and leave me behind, wondering, worrying.

The helpless and still image of Jacob's injured body had stayed with me all through the journey—more real, more vivid—because I had seen him like that. And the vision appeared in and out of my mind that I stayed in a continued state of worry over him.

The car stopped with a loud, obnoxious screech when a sudden epiphany hit me like a freight train; that this must be how he feels at the thought of me changing.

The sudden realization made my vision swam with tears and my fingers shake. I gripped the steering wheel so hard that my fingertips whiten but it still shook. I leaned my forehead against the steering wheel to catch my breath, a wave of understanding on how he'd behave all this time smothered me.

"Oh, Jacob."

I took a very deep breath, trying to keep myself together, to swallow my impending mania. I need to see him, feel him, to know that he's alright.

With shaking hands I changed gears and drove myself toward Jacob, knowing I won't be able to do anything else until I was with him.

Promises to Keep-4Flawed Promises







Bella's POV
There was definitely something afoot with the Cullens.
Something weird.
And no, I wasn't talking about their pale complexions, their mind-boggling beauty, or their otherworldly grace. Not even the fact that they were all vampires, or that they were vampires that made it a rule to not hunt humans. No, I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about something else.
I was talking about their sudden inability to exist comfortably around me. For example, Emmet, my—I still can't quite believe it even though it's been six months since my wedding to Edward—brother-in-law who usually liked to hang with me since he thought my ability to stumble over my own two feet hilarious and he very much liked to laugh, hardly ever even looks at me.
It was amazing how they—vampires who had to hide what they were for hundreds of years—were so bad in trying to act casual.
While Emmet developed a habit of avoiding me, Esme hovered. She couldn't leave me alone although she hardly had anything to say, she merely fussed and stared. Alice erupted in sporadic bursts of chatter whenever she was around me, her mouth sometimes moving so rapidly that I hardly understood her. It was as if she was afraid to let me have a word in for fear of what I'd say or ask, and since she didn't really need to breathe, those chatters can be really, really long. It was obvious they were hiding something. Something big. And Edward, being Edward, went all bent out of shape and overreacted. Again.
The fact that I wasn't badgering him to tell me about what was going on like usual was because I could pretty much guess what it was about.
Since James, Victoria and Laurent were all dead, that only left one more problem for me.
The Volturi.
I suppressed a shudder at the thought of Aro, Marcus, and Caius and their array of talents and minions. The scene in their lair at Volterra played numerous times in my nightmares with alternate endings. Alice—who has been concentrating on monitoring all their actions since our unfortunate meeting—probably had a vision about them.
I wonder if they were going to check on whether Edward had changed me or not.
It would be pretty obvious that he hadn't.
I—unfortunately—was still human. Helpless. Tasty.
I loosened my fingers that were clenched around the spine of my old copy of Romeo and Juliet as I remembered how I ended up in this predicament.
Jacob Black.
My so-called best friend.
Six months ago, he'd taken a chance on educating me about what I would be missing out on if I changed at the time Edward promised me. He'd opened my eyes to what exactly it was I would have to give up. He had honed in on my insecurities and doubts and fears so accurately that I hesitated, which made Edward insist on a time out. We'd compromised on one and a half years.
Edward seemed relieved and genuinely happy with my decision—which miffed me a little—but I knew it wasn't because he didn't love me, but because he does love me. In the past he'd been adamant about not changing me at all but we were past that now.
I figured Jacob—if he knew—would be ecstatic. But he didn't know, because I didn't tell him. I hadn't even called him to tell him where I was the way I promised to. Why would I do something like that when I knew how much he'd worry and wonder? Because, when I realized what he had done—fed my fear and doubts—I was angry. I even hated him a little because he put all the problems and pain that my mind had tried to push away and placed it smack dab in front of my eyes.
Even now, I felt the familiar anger bubble up to the surface and gritted my teeth.
I knew I was being petty and cruel but I couldn't seem to care at the moment.
But even when I aimed my anger towards him, it still didn't completely stop me from missing him. Sometimes I found myself staring onto the wooden wolf figurine on my bracelet and thought about warm sodas and plastic rooftops. I wondered about my red motorbike, whether he kept it or sold it. I imagined him inside his garage, his big hands flying over metals and tools, tinkering obsessively over something while soft rain pattered down the Earth, imagined him sitting in a circle of bonfire, his russet-colored skin tinted by the warm firelight among his brothers and sister, immersed in culture and realistic legends.
Suddenly I had an image of him standing in the cliffs; tall, strong, graceful. The sea crashed and swirled beneath him as he stared into the distant horizon.
The image was so vivid, so real that it grabbed at my throat.
"Call him, Bella." I jolted in surprise at his velvet, smooth voice and the cold, hard gentle touch on my shoulders. "You're only making yourself miserable as well."
I kept staring out the window and sniffed at him even as my heartbeat shuddered at his touch. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You miss him." He declared in his lovely voice, the tone of his voice easy and matter of fact.
"I called Charlie just two days ago."
His sweet breath fluttered my hair. "It's not Charlie that I'm talking about." I stayed quiet and he sighed a second time. "You are most stubborn about the strangest of things."
I readied myself for the masterpiece that was his face but I still lost my breath when I turned and met his eyes. They were a blazing color of gold, their probing intensity untarnished by the purple bruises under them. But it wasn't only that, it wasn't just his beauty and his perfection that made my heart swell with love and wonder but it was the swirl of emotion in his eyes whenever he looked at me, the gentleness of his touch against my skin. If I was finally granted my immortality, I was sure that I would be perfectly content to spend it just like this, just looking at him, sitting beside him, being with him. It was when I was with him when I felt my anger toward Jacob flared strong and uncontrolled, because he kept me from being able to do just that.
I doubted he did it purposely because of the kindness of his heart.
I scowled at the patient expression of Edward's—my husband's—face. "I don't want to talk about it."
"It's been six months."
My scowl deepened.
He merely smiled and my heart stumbled. "Surely that's long enough to punish him?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I twisted away from him, a pout on my face. I could feel his eyes pricking onto the side of my face and I slid my gaze toward him. "What's it to you anyway? I thought you'd be happy."
My brow wrinkled when he mumbled something under his breath but a smile quickly appeared on his face. "But you're not."
He shook his head, a small movement that made the light shift over his marvelous face. I was so easily distracted by him but the words did finally sink in. "Edward, I can't be happier than when I am with you."
"If you were on talking terms with him, you'll be happier."
I merely stared. I knew I should've denied it—him being my husband and Jacob being his one time rival for my heart—but he'd know it would be a lie. Everything was so complicated since I realized that I loved Jacob as well. Although not as much as I loved Edward, it was strong enough that he influenced the twist and turn of my emotions. I rarely grew attached to anybody but once I did, apparently, it was for life—or soon enough, for my existence.
There was understanding in his eyes as he cupped my face as if I was the most delicate of porcelain. "He's a werewolf, Bella."
I stared at him, uncomprehendingly. "You just realized that?"
He chuckled but stared back at me, his features turned serious. "Soon, you will be a vampire."
I waited for him to elaborate but he kept looking at me as if I should understand. "What are you trying to say, Edward?"
He exhaled, the sweetness of his breath made me struggle to concentrate on my question but I did. "My...dislike for Jacob does not only stem over the hold he has over your heart," He lifted a hand and stroked my cheek when I opened my mouth to deny what he just said. "Not only because he tried his best to win your heart and also not because, he presents a danger to you. Setting all of that aside, it is the fact that he is werewolf and I am vampire that largely played in our mutual animosity."
I still didn't understand and my face told him so. He had a guarded look on his face, as if unsure how I would take this latest lesson of the supernatural. "Bella, when you are a vampire, I suspect it will be the same for you."
I felt the shock flitted and stayed on my face. "You mean, I would want to..."
"Kill him? I'm afraid you will."
"But you and the others managed to--"
"We are old, Bella. We had a lot of time on our hands to practice patience, to exert control over ourselves. Other vampires would not be so...considerate."
I don't know what kind of look he saw on my face, but it made him stretch out his arms and envelop me with them, pulling me closer into his stone embrace. I burrowed inside the circle of his arms and tried to process what he just told me. "Has it always been like that with vampires and werewolves?"
I felt him shake his head on the top of my head. "Not all of us--vampires--have the chance to meet werewolves or something similar, they are a rare breed, born out of mutation rather than—well—how we were made. Usually, as was with the Quileutes, the change is triggered by some kind of danger; some special threat to the group or singular that forced the change." He brushed his ice cold hand--contrasting vividly with the warmth that spilled out of the fireplace—down my back. "It will be difficult for you both, I imagine. With time, he will be able to control the urge and perhaps his feelings for you will also rein in his anger toward our kind. The fact that he is better at it than most his pack members will ensure that I suppose."
I picked at the woolly patterns of his light sweater. "Will I?"
He was quiet a while but he finally answered. "With time, everything is possible." He lifted my chin and gazed into my eyes, the warm gold striking against his pale skin, a faint flush spread on his cheeks from yesterday's hunt. "Soon, you will have nothing but time, but for that you will sacrifice many things that you have taken for granted, such as the ability to co-exist in comfort with Jacob."
My mind turned away from that, trying to spare me the pain of having to think that someday, I would lose the easy connection that I have with Jacob. "I'm just so angry at him."
He smiled the crooked smile that I loved. "Should I point out how illogical your anger is?"
"Anger usually is." I tucked my head back onto his chest. "Try and you'll be sleeping on the couch." I was surprised when he tensed--surely he didn't believe I would banish him from our bed? I peeked at his face with a smile on my face.
The expression on his face was frightening; tight and horrified, his eyes wide with disbelief, staring into an imaginary dot on the wall. I knew that faraway look in his eyes. I'd seen him doing it a million times. He was reading someone's mind, and he didn't like what he was seeing.
My heart was a quick staccato rhythm as I waited for him to finish. Maybe now, he would tell me what was going on. What they were all hiding from me. His form was perfectly still, his hands clenched at the back of my sweater. Somewhere along the way, he'd stopped breathing.
"No." The word was spoken in a harsh and uncompromising tone. I jolted when he snapped his head towards the door and not soon after, Alice and Jasper burst in, their faces tense and horrified.
"Edward, they've—"
"I know."
"What are we going to do?"
I saw Jasper press a hand on Alice's, his golden tone eyes flickered to me. Alice made a sound of impatience at the back of her throat but closed her mouth and stared at Edward reprovingly.
"What is it? What happened?"
Jasper and Alice glanced at Edward who stared back in stony silence.
"Don't even think of lying. I already know that something was up. You guys have been hiding something from me, what is it?" I gave up on Jasper and Alice as they avoided looking at me. I looked up at Edward. "Edward, what is it?"
He maintained his eye contact with Alice and Jasper as if he was silently willing them to hell at the moment. "Edward, you promised that there would be no secrets. I'd let you get away with it then, but not now. Tell me."
When he didn't budge, my temper flared and I detangled myself out of his arms. Well, at least, I tried to. His arms were iron around me but I managed a small space between us. I looked at Alice and glared at her. "Alice."
She blinked at my voice but still stared at Edward.
"Alice, look at me."
Slowly, her tawny gaze met mine.
"Is it the Volturi? Are they going to check up on me?"
Alice shifted her weight, her expression looked a bit guilty. "No."
"No, what?"
"They're not coming here."
"But is it the Volturi?"
Again, they exchanged looks and I sighed in aggravation. "Guys, come on. Is it others? Will there be other vampires--non vegetarian-- that will come here?"
Alice scowled at Edward. "She needs to know, Edward."
"No, she doesn't. Not until we have more solid evidence."
"If something happens, she'll never forgive us for not telling her, Edward."
I felt the blood drained from my face, my vision wavered. "It's Charlie, isn't it? Renee? Something happened to one of them. Or both?"
Edward turned me towards him, his face fierce. "No, it's not that. Your parents are alright."
"Then what is it? Is there any other supernatural beings that I need to know about?" I twisted my head from Edward's grasp and looked questioningly at Alice. "What did you see?"
She met my eyes, her eyes tight. "Nothing."
"Alice, I've been up against three psychotic vampires who were intent on killing me, a pack of reckless teenage werewolves and the Volturi. I think I can handle whatever bad news you have. Tell me."
Edward was a still and silent stone against me. A growl--low and threatening--climbed out his throat. "No, Alice."
Alice didn't even spare him a glance. "You know I've been tuning into the Volturi."
I nodded encouragingly, ignoring the sharp hiss that came out of Edward's gritted teeth. "They're going to come here?"
She shook her head. "No. I saw nothing."
I stared at her, trying to figure out what she just said. "You mean, they're still undecided about it?"
She stepped closer to me, Jasper who was beside her sent Edward cautious and warning looks. "Bella, you're not listening. I saw nothing."
I frowned, still not understanding. "How can that be? The only time you see nothing is when it has something to do with—" The realization came crashing down like a flood, the little things that I've noticed about their behavior along the weeks, the conversation that Edward and I just had. Suddenly, I had a hard time breathing. "The werewolves," I breathed. "Jacob."
Edward's hands were cold against my arms, even through the thick sweater I was wearing. "We called Charlie and they were fine, Bella. It's nothing to worry about."
"What do you mean, there's nothing to worry about?" I struggled against the hysteria that was clawing up my throat. "Are you saying that they're going to come to Forks, to find the wolves?"
Alice shook her head, her face devastated. "I don't know. At first, I got the impression that they were going to come here, to check on you but then somehow the conversation turned into what happened the last time the Volturi came to Forks. What Jane, Dmitri and Felix saw, the destruction that they thought only we caused. They were impressed and a little bit worried about the number and strength of our coven."
Jasper stepped forward. "I don't think they even know about the wolves, Bella."
"But if you suddenly can't see, that means they're bound to meet, right? Maybe, someone will be sent to Forks and the wolves will certainly fight him or her. We have to warn them. No, we have to go back."
I turned around at the hard, uncompromising tone in Edward's voice. "What do you mean no?"
"That's exactly what I mean. The Volturi won't be so reckless. They only deal in vampire matters and above all else, they covet our invisibility."
Jasper stood beside Edward. "That's true, Bella. Perhaps, they will get curious but they will hesitate upon involving themselves with other...creatures."
I stared at them, at their pale, calm, beautiful features...and didn't believe what they said for even a second. The panic was too strong, the fear too huge, blocking their reasonable argument and somehow I couldn't help but think—albeit a little too unfairly—what do they care about the werewolves? They were my friends that were going to be harmed. The werewolves were nothing to them.
What do they care about overgrown reckless werewolves?
I could see it in my head, how Paul and Seth would be so excited with the prospect of hunting the visiting emissary or emissaries, totally oblivious of the extent of the Volturi's power. Jacob knew about the Volturi, but just the little I told him. I didn't tell him about the tracker, Dmitri, or Jane's horror of a talent, or of Felix's blood lust—never mind Aro, Caius or Marcus.
Sam, Jared perhaps, would be vigilant, cautious, but all of them tend to lose their heads in the heat of the moment and if Jacob thought that they were after me, I didn't want to think how he would react to that.
The image of Jacob's helpless, unmoving body was still fresh in my thoughts, carved into the hollowed part of my mind by the sharp, ragged edges of my pain. I've thought more than once over these last few months—whenever I found myself not angry at him—that I never wanted to see him like that again but now, I just wanted to see him period.
"We have to go back." It was embarrassing how my voice broke at the end. I couldn't help but feel like a child every time I have my fits and emotional episodes. I felt Alice by my side, her presence cold and steady as was her hand on mine.
Edward's lips firmed. "We can't, Bella."
"Why not? We can say we've come for a visit." I gripped Alice's fingers tightly, trying to hold onto my composure so I could argue my side. "If it's about the danger, you said there is no danger."
"For the wolves. Having you and the Volturi in the same area is pushing our luck." He reached for me but I merely stared at his hand. His ocher eyes tightened, hurt. "Be reasonable, Bella. What good would it do if we go there?"
"I can see them, that's one. Didn't you say that I shouldn't take my current humanity for granted and make up with Jacob?"
Jasper raised an eyebrow at Edward who ignored him.
His eyes darkened when they landed on mine. "You very well know that's not what I meant. We don't need to fly down there to know that he's safe. We only need to ask Charlie--"
"How long have you known?" I asked him, though the words sounded more like accusation. My fear and worry evolved into anger and hurt as the subtle hints and signs of their actions, their reactions, came to the surface.
He blinked slowly, as if trying to choose his words carefully.
"No more lies, no more evasiveness, Edward. Tell me, how long have you known?"
As if they sensed the tension of the moment, Rosalie, Emmet, Esme and Carlisle entered the living room of our not-so-new home—their eyes tense and serious—a large, cozy, cottage-like house that, even with the snow outside, looked warm and inviting.
"Edward. You promised me that you'll tell everything." The jerky movement of my hand made the bracelet seem to burn with the firelight, the memory of Jacob sliding it around my wrist--his large fingers handling the delicate clasp more easily than I expected—flitted in my mind, stinging my eyes with tears.
I saw the hurt in Edward's eyes, how he realized that he'd hurt me and was also hurting because of it. The rush of love I felt for him eased my anger and that—strangely—stung. But what he did was wrong. He shouldn't have hid something of this importance from me. I don't want to always be behind his back as he protect me, I want to stand by his side. And especially not when my safety sacrificed others. "How long, Edward?"
"Two weeks."
A gust of breath escaped my lungs. "Two weeks? Jacob and the pack could've been in danger for two weeks and you didn't tell me?" Anger and hurt left a bitter, sharp taste in my tongue. I tore out my hand from Alice and stared at the faces of my family with damp, angry eyes. "All you?"
Esme and Emmet looked chastened while Rosalie looked elsewhere. Carlisle looked at Edward who looked at me with tortured eyes.
"I'm going back."
Edward stepped closer to me, his hand in front of him with his palms up, a gesture of peace and—I gritted my teeth—pacifying. "Bella, love-"
"I'm going back. Even if I have to go alone." For the first time since I've known them, since I known him, I turned my back and walked away.