Monday, April 26, 2010

Promises to Keep-Preface

"Strange is it that our bloods, of colour, weight and heat pour'd all together,

Would quite confound distinction, yet stand off in differences so mighty."

All's Well That Ends Well, Act 2, Sc. 3

My heart literally stopped as my breath was squeezed out of me in a painful gasp. The seconds lengthened; my tunnel vision could only see him and nothing else. His broad back that was corded by long and lithe muscles bunched, bracing for the blow that was coming. Nothing seemed to matter anymore but the tall figure that stood in front of me in a protective stance, sharp snarls echoed in my ear, the husky tone of his voice, clear and dear even now.

His russet skin stretched over a body that was strong and large, but not strong enough. He was still made out of flesh and blood… he can still be hurt, be wounded. I could feel the heat that emanated from his skin, and my body remembered how it had warmed me in my darkest and coldest of nights.

My eyes caught a glimpse of unnaturally pale limbs moving unbelievably fast, closer to us, to him.

A sickening sound of ripped flesh tore through the slightly chilled air. A painful scream erupted from him and it tore at my already broken heart and as the pain wracked over his body, ripples of pain trembled over mine.

He fell at my feet, crumpled and broken.

Blood was spilled, drenching the green moss that always seemed to cover the earth at this part of the world.

My eyes didn't even see the thirst and hunger in the vampire's black coal eyes that was heading straight to me; the only thing I could see was him, the only thing I could think of was him, the only thing I could sense was him.

The silence that ruled me was suddenly broken and in the midst of battle, I screamed.

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