Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jacob POV-All I Want is Your Love

Title: All I Want is Your Love

Pairing: Jacob/Bella

Song: All I Want is Your Love-Let's Go Sailing

Rating: G

Timeline: After Eclipse

Jacob POV

Music: All I Want is Your Love by Let's Go Sailing

Jacob licked his lips, trying to moisten them but his mouth was just as dry. He must look like a complete nut job, staring at the pay phone for a full five minutes before he could finally make his hand lift the handle, not that there was anyone to see him anyway, he could keep staring at the phone for another three hours before the sun comes up if he wanted to. He leaned heavily against the pay phone, tired out of his mind, not fully conscious that he'd already dialed a number.

It was a shock to hear her voice coming out of the phone.

"Hello? Hello?"

His breath caught at the sound of her voice, breathless, hopeful. Like she had actually waitied and ran all the way to the phone.


A small smile cracked his brittle facade when he heard the panic in her voice and something like a shuffling sound, as if she was juggling the phone, almost dropping it in her haste.

Close the phone. Now. This is a stupid thing to do. What is the point of running if you're going to call her anyway?, Jacob ruthless closed the door to his sane self, and relished the sound of her voice. He closed his eyes and let his consciousness delve into the vivid tones of her voice, careful not to breathe into the mouth piece, to not give any hint of his identity, readying himself for the stinging pain that would come when he would hear the tell tale sound of her hanging up on him.

Another connection severed.

He promised himself that he wouldn't call, that he wouldn't think, that he wouldn't establish some kind of connection. Jacob always knew his place, his obligation, his duty to his tribe, in his family. But when it came to Bella, he kept breaking promises, kept pushing limits, kept crossing over lines.


Something exploded in his chest at the tiny, painful hope in her voice and the pain ripped at his spine, tore another gash at his bleeding heart that he couldn't restrain the gasp that escaped his lips.

How? How did she know it was me?

As if she knew, as if she knew that his immediate reaction was to hang up, she blurted her words, they tumbled all together out of the speaker. "Don't hang up. Please, Jacob. Talk to me. Are you okay? Where are you? When are you coming home?"

Don't worry, I can't run that far/My legs can't carry the rest of me that far

Jacob choked on his own heart that swelled at the pleading in her voice, at the tears that shivered just along the edges of her words.

"Are you hurt?"

He didn't want to answer her, didn't want to talk to her. He only wanted to listen. "Jacob. Talk to me."

Jacob pressed his forehead on the glass door, calling himself every inch a fool; a masochistic, pathetic, sorry fool, and answered her. "I'm fine, Bella."

He clenched his eyes tighter when he heard her sobbed harder, in relief this time. "Where are you?"

He didn't even bother to think, he'd stopped noticing where he was when a month passed. "Somewhere."

"When are you coming home?"

He took a deep breath but didn't answer. "Come home, Jacob. Please." He was still not immune to the pleading, the pain in her voice. "I will."


Again, he didn't answer, he didn't know the answer, all he knew was that he wasn't ready. He could almost hear the slide of her tears, taste them in his tongue and his heart pleaded for him to say something, anything, lie if he have too.

"Don't cry." He begged her.

"Come home." She begged back, her voice wobbling and the sound of it set off a whole other set of pain that stung his eyes. "I will, Bella. Don't worry about me."

He listened to her breathe, imagining her standing by the phone, griping it with both of her pale, little hands.

"I.... want to see you. I miss you."

He breathed against the jagged edges that decorated his heart, his free hand pressed against the glass door until it cracked, a sharp piece cut his palm but he didn't feel it. He only watched the slide of crimson on the cool, transparent surface. "That's not fair, Bella."

Don't say that. Don't do this to me.

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't be." Don't be, because the pain was sweet as it was bitter.

Don't worry, you'll still be able to place me/You'll put your finger right on me

"You are coming home, right? I'll see you again?"

The laugh that rumbled at his throat was riddle with helplessness, hurt, self mockery. "Yes, you'll see me again.

I want to see you again. How sad was that?

They listened to each other's breathing, the silence was louder still with question whispering between the lines between Forks and...somewhere.

"Bella?" His voice cracked at the end, sounding so completely at odds with his body; lost, child-like.

"Yes?" Her voice was still so hopeful, as if waiting for him to tell her to wait by her doorstep because he was on his way.

"Do you love me?"

Silence reached his anxious ears and he closed his eyes again, listening to the hurried sounds of her breath.

"Yes." She answered with a voice that hinted of nothing else but love, of longing, soothing his wretched soul.

He took a long breath that seemed to fill him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. "Okay."

Not a second sooner, the sun streaked the morning sky, its warm fingers edged through tree tops and glinted through windows and finally reached the glass doors of the pay phone, filling it with a hundred golden hues, all it touched was cool glass and steel smeared with red.

Jacob was a passing shadow along the grounds, running, escaping the light with muffled steps carrying with him the words that was precious above all others.

And all I want from you is love

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