Sunday, April 25, 2010

Drive This Ocean Road-2Come To Me

All the walls that you built up, and all the bridges you burnt down/ In the end, it comes down to, I'm the one always around/

Come to Me by Megan McCauley

He watched her stand with her back to him, her slender hands around herself to guard the cold away. I knew she was not watching how the rain pelted the ground, or the way it slithered—silver and cool—along the crooked surface of the earth. No, she was far away from here, among pale hard skins and golden eyes.

It hurts her to remember, he thought, he didn't need to see her face to know that, he only needed to see the hunch of her shoulders, the way her arms tightened around her arms, moving to grip at some invisible hole on her chest.

Well, there was something he could do about that.

Bella let out a muffled scream when Jacob lifted her with one hand around her waist. "Jacob, what are you doing?"

He frowned at her in a patronizing manner. "Bella, I think it's about time you do something around here rather than day dreaming around."

"Jacob, let me go." She glared unimpressively at him from her perch under his arm which he met with a bright grin. "And I do things. I cooked, yesterday."

"Come on, Bells, it'll be fun."

He tossed her on a cast iron table that stood beside the Rabbit, its engine sprawled in an inelegant manner. "Now, where was I?"

"You were going caveman on me."

He snorted out a laugh, not even a smidgeon of apology in his smile. "Oh yes, see Bella? You're helping already." He beamed at her and she couldn't quite hide the smile on her face.

"Pass me the monkey wrench."

Bella sighed, resigned to her fate. "Here."

He held the tool across his chest with two hands. "Do you know how to use this?"

"I have a few ideas." She mumbled darkly and crossed her hands across in front of her but Jacob merely laughed—the bright, cheerful, happy sound was enough to make her forget that it was raining outside. The rumble of his husky voice that crept around the room as he explained what he was doing was familiar enough to keep her darkness away. It didn't take long for Jacob to persuade her to stand beside him as he worked, pointing to the various things that she never really thought about before, and soon enough, she was smiling again, laughing again.

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