Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bella POV-All I Want Is Your Love

Title: All I Want is Your Love

Pairing: Jacob/Bella

Song: All I Want is Your Love-Let's Go Sailing

Rating: G

Timeline: After Eclipse

Bella's POV

Bella dropped the washcloth she was holding into the sink, she couldn't explain why her heart was throbbing incessantly, why her feet moved with an unusual haste towards the shrill ringing of the phone.

She skidded to a stop and managed to grab the phone without breaking her foot by tripping over something or hitting herself over the head with the phone though she did have to grapple with it since the wires suddenly came alive in her hands. "Hello. Hello?" She breathlessly shouted into the mouth piece.

"Hello?" She repeated when she her greeting met nothing but silence. Her fingers were restless against the crooked wire of the phone before she gripped its length with bloodless fingers.

She closed her eyes when her breath caught with hope, with pain, with love, with yearning and all those emotions twined around each other and spilled out of her mouth in the guise of a name where each letter brushed her lips the way his hair once did.


Her heart squeezed and drummed her ribs when she heard a startled gasp, the image of his face already eternally burned in her brain, ghosted her eyelids. Her eyes flashed opened and a hand rose upwards as if trying to restrain him from—don't ask her how she knew—putting down the phone. "No, Jacob. Don't hang up. Please." She felt her chest burned but talked past its need for oxygen. She needed him more. "Talk to me, Jacob. Where are you? When are you coming home?"

She wiped the tears from her eyes, burning her skin like his fingers used to do. Again, she was met by silence and in her mind the image of him—tired, alone—leaning over a pay phone was something that blocked everything else in her mind. In this one instant, Jacob was all that mattered. His pain, his hurt, his love.

"Are you hurt?" She tried to breathe despite the obstacle in her throat. "Jacob." She sobbed, a stray tear trickled out of the edges of her eyes. "Talk to me."

"I'm fine, Bella."

She only sobbed harder at the sound of his rich voice, gravelly and harsher by exhaustion. He sounds so tired, she thought. "Where are you?"


"When are you coming home?"

He was silent once again and her gripped on the phone tightened. "Come home, Jacob. Please."

"I will."


Bella wiped her eyes with her sleeve, when they landed on his bracelet—it will never be entirely hers—her brown eyes filled again.

"Don't cry."

The pleading note in his voice silenced the sobs but didn't stop the tears, instead, it welled up and overflowed. "Come home."

When he didn't answer, Bella took a deep breath to quiet her heartbeat, it was deafening her ears.

"I will, Bella. Don't worry about me."

In desperation, she blurted out the first words that surfaced inside her muddled mind. "I... want to see you. I miss you."

She bit her lip at his silence, bit it even harder at the sound of his ragged breathing, as if her words had sharp edges that cut at him.

"That's not fair, Bella."

She felt her stomach churned with guilt and she closed her wet eyes. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be."

A smile almost appeared at her lips at the soft, gentle tone in his voice that spoke of whispery ocean breezes and laughter over warm sodas.

"You are coming home, right? I'll see you again?" She asked, her words stumbling over each other in her rush, the thought that they will never see each other again, at least, before...before she had to leave was unendurable. He laughed and the laugh was so unlike her Jacob's laugh, it was bitter and mocking…and it hurt her to hear it but his words were soft when he finally talked. "Yes, you'll see me again."

Soothed by the promise, Bella's shoulders relax and her knees buckled so she sat on the floor, listening to the sound of his calm, steady breathing, closing her eyes as if to feel him with her.


Her eyes flashed open at her name, at the sound of the sad, awkward tone of his voice, feeling her heart throbbed painfully at the hesitation that stilted her name.

"Do you love me?"

Her breath stopped at the sincere, helpless question and felt her heart wilted then swelled in an alarmingly fast motion that it felt too big for her chest.

"Yes." She gasped out, the three letters filled with all the love she felt for him, wishing that it could be the very thing that return him to her.

She heard him take a long, long breath and she breathed with him.


Bella closed her eyes at the sound of the line being cut and held on the phone like it was him instead and sat on the floor, lost to the world around her, instead in her mind, in her heart, she was with Jacob, seeing what he was seeing, doing what he was doing, streaking through the woods with reckless abandon. Hoping desperately, achingly, that he was on his way home to her.

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