Sunday, April 25, 2010

Drive This Ocean Road-6Congratulations (My Heart)

I came to see the light in my best friend/You seem as happy as you've ever been/My chance at being open was broken and now it misses him/My words they don't come out right but I'll try to say I'm happy for you/I think I'm gonna take that drive/

Song: Congratulations (My Heart) by Blue October

The throbbing pain in my chest when I walked into the dressing room and saw her in a white dress surrounded by her bridesmaid was nothing compared to the one I am feeling now.

I was saying goodbye.


It seems, these last few days, we were always saying goodbye no matter what words we used.

"I made you a promise, Bella." I smiled. "Guess I have to stick by it."

Regret climbed out of her brown eyes, darkening them until it was almost as dark as mine. "Jake-"

"So, I'll be here, Bella. Whenever you want… need to come back. I'll be here. It doesn't matter who or what you are. If you come back, I'll be there for you."

"Whatever you need, whatever you want." I stared deeply into her eyes so there would be no doubt that I meant it. "It will be yours."

The breath that tore at her throat was a breath of relief, the tears that slid out of the corner of her eyes were of understanding, as if she shared my pain, recognized my sacrifice. I swept my thumb over her damp cheeks, drying them, memorizing the texture, the feel of her skin. "Bella Swan," Her name felt like something fragile, something that could break apart into pieces if I said it too hard, "I love you with all my heart. And I will always will." The solemn vow spilled out of my lips so clearly, so easily as if it somehow belonged. "Until my heart stops beating."

I felt her hands gripped my wrists that held her face close to mine--the bracelet I gave her glinting brightly in the sunlight—as if not wanting to let go.

"Jacob." She choked out between the tears.

"I wish you well, Bella. Wish you all the happiness in the world."

"Jacob, stay, please."

I shook my head and detangled myself from her arms.

Even as I burst out of my human skin in the nearby woods, my ears caught the sound of her ragged breath and felt the slide of her tears against my skin.

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